
以股权为基础的薪酬制度(PPT 29页).ppt

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以股权为基础的薪酬制度(PPT 29页)

What Do We Mean by “Equity-Based” Pay? 什么是“以股权为基础”的薪酬制度? Any form of pay arrangement aligned with, or paying out in, stock 任何以股票形式支付或与股票相关联的薪酬形式 The basic payout opportunity works as follows: 最基本的支付形式如下图所示: The Entire Pay Picture 整体薪酬图 The Entire Pay Picture 整体薪酬图 The Entire Pay Picture 整体薪酬图 Trend Toward Greater Equity Participation for Employees 员工持股已成为全球的趋势 Increasing number of companies have embraced broad-based employee ownership 越来越多的公司实施了广泛的员工持股计划 Nonmanagement employees collectively own between 6% and 10% of total corporate equity 非管理层员工总计持有公司全部股票的6%到10% Estimated 3,000 companies have instituted broad-based option plans since 1989 从1989年开始,大约3,000家公司实施了广泛的员工持股计划 Shares set aside for options at all public companies valued at $600B compared with $60B in 1985 现在所有的上市公司用于股票期权的股票价值已上升到6,000亿美元,而1985年只有600亿美元 41% of large U.S. employers give stock options to at least half of their workforce 41%的美国大型企业向一半以上的员工授予股票期权 Why Consider Equity-based Pay? 为什么考虑以股权为基础薪酬制度? Alignment of shareholders and employees’ incentive opportunities 统一股东和员工的奖励机会 Forges tighter bond between executives and other employees, as all can be put on a common incentive platform 将管理层和其他员工的薪酬制度紧密结合,使公司所有员工的激励机制趋于统一 Motivate broad group of employees to work toward common goal—inspires teamwork 鼓励广大员工向共同的目标前进 - 鼓励团队协作精神 Incentive payouts are a “win-win” situation—payments occur in direct relation to company performance 激励机制处于“双赢” 状况 - 报酬与企业业绩直接挂钩 Minimizes cash outflow, as payments are made in equity 由于实施了股权薪酬制度,可以最大限度地减少现金支付 Financial Reasons for Providing Equity-based Pay 提供以股权为基础薪酬形式的财务因素 Study by Hewitt Associates and the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management (Northwestern University) (1998): 翰威特公司和西北大学J.L. Kellogg研究生管理学院联合进行的调查 表明(1998年): Companies that instituted employee ownership programs experienced an average annual Return On Assets of 2.6 percentage points greater than industry averages each year of the 4-year study period 对实施了员工持股计划的公司进行跟踪调查的四年当中,其资产回报率比同行业平均水平高出2.6个百分点 Cum



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