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I 基于单片机的压力容器检测装置设计 摘 要 压力容器是化肥、炼油、化工、医药、有机合成等行业使用的主要生产设备,是一种可能引起爆炸或中毒等危害性较大事故的特种设备。压力容器的爆炸事故除受物理或化学诱因导致容器内的压力超过了它的实际承载极限而超压引爆外,容器材质、制造工艺、检测检验等对压力容器防爆也产生至重要的影响,有效地控制这些环节,加强检测检验把关,则可大大地减少或杜绝这类事故发生,保证容器的安全运行。 II Microcontroller-based Design of Pressure Vessel Testing Equipment ABSTRACT Pressure vessel of fertilizer, oil refining, chemical, pharmaceutical, organic synthesis and other industries use the main production equipment, is likely to cause an explosion or poisoning incidents harmful large special equipment. In addition to pressure vessel explosion accidents caused by physical or chemical inducement pressure within the container exceeds the limit of its actual bearing overpressure detonation, the container materials, manufacturing processes, testing and inspection of pressure vessels also produce proof to the important influence effective control of these areas, strengthen the testing and inspection checks, you can greatly reduce or prevent such incidents, to ensure the safe operation of the container. The main work is to study and design of pressure vessels based on AT89S51 detection devices, making application testing pressure vessels in service work in practice has a very broad application prospects. This paper describes a microcontroller-based temperature control system hardware, software and related interface circuits. The detection device consists of pressure vessel resistance strain gauges of metal, measuring amplifier, A/D converter, microcontroller, LCD display and alarm device composition. First through the metal strain gauges to the deformation of the container to convert the measured signal, and then measuring the electrical signals to the amplifier A/D converter maximum input range, the amplified signal filtered by the low-pass filter Input A/D converter, A/D converter output digital signal into the MCU, the MCU after the signal with a simple LCD display. KEY WORDS:pressure vessel , microcontroller,sensors III 目 录 摘要 ............................


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