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完善我国未成年人法律制度的立法思考 (硕士论文摘要) 未成年人的健康成长对于社会的安宁稳定、祖国的美好未来至关重要,同时,他们又是易于遭受侵害的弱势群体,因而需要整个社会给予特别的关注。建国以来,党和政府一直十分重视保护未成年人的茁壮成长。新中国建立后的几部宪法都原则性地规定了国家对于未成年人的保护责任,许多法律法规都有涉及未成年人保护的规定。此外,国家还于1991年和1999年分别通过了《未成年人保护法》和《预防未成年人犯罪法》这两部未成年人的专门性立法,并且积极参与和签署了一系列有关未成年人权利保护的国际公约。 虽然我国已相当重视未成年人立法工作,在保护未成年人健康成长、维护未成年人合法权益、增进未成年人福利等方面取得了显著的成绩,但由于我国未成年人立法起步较晚,尚处于起步阶段,仍然存在很多严重问题,主要表现为立法观念的滞后、配套法律的缺失、现有规定流于形式、工作职责没能落实、地区针对性不强等。未成年人立法工作中所存在的这一系列的问题使得在现实生活中,未成年人的权益保护状况、福利水平、义务教育等状况并不令人十分满意,一些危害未成年人健康成长、侵犯未成年人合法权益的现象仍然存在。 为此,我国未成年人立法亟需新的突破:第一,在立法观念上,要承认未成年人的主体地位,并将其立法的基点和出发点;第二,在立法视角上,要对未成年人法律体系的整体性、长期性、基本性问题 Focus on Perfecting The Legislation on Juveniles of China (The Abstract of the Graduating Paper in English Edition) The health of juveniles is important to the stability of the society and the future of the country. Juveniles are a disadvantaged minority, and they need the whole society to pay attention to. From our country established, the government always put an emphases on the protection to make juveniles grow strong and tall. The Constitution formulated the government obligation of protection to juveniles principally. Lots of laws and administrative regulations provided the protection of juveniles. Additionally, our country have formulated the “Juvenile Protection Law” and the “Prevent Juveniles from Criminals Law” and signed a series of international conventions on juvenile protection. Although our country has made great achievements on the protection of juveniles, our legislations on juveniles have many serious problems, because our relevant legislations are still on the beginning stage. Because of these problems, the protection of juveniles in the real world is not satisfied. The phenomenon of violating the lawful rights of juveniles still exists. In order to solve these problems, our legislation on juveniles needs to make a breakthrough. First, we should admit the subject status of juveniles and make it as the starting point of the legislation. Second, we should think about basic


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