End 的基本用法习惯搭配脚踏两只船的翻译.doc

End 的基本用法习惯搭配脚踏两只船的翻译.doc

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End 的基本用法习惯搭配脚踏两只船的翻译

End 的基本用法、习惯搭配 脚踏两只船的翻译 play both ends against the middle 一、基本词义 1、 n: 末端, 尽头, 结束, 目标, 限度, 梢, 末端, 死亡;, 尖, 终点 边缘[界], 界限, 范围, 极限;端面, 端壁, 端头, 侧面;结束, 结尾, 结局, 最后情况 目的, 目标;死亡, 毁灭, 下场 N: ?[pl.]【纺】纱线, 经纱; 零布头; 残片; 残余 the end of a letter信的末尾 the ends of the world地球的两端, 天南海北, 天涯海角 by the end of the year到年底为止 demand an end to all unequal treaties要求废除一切不平等条约 no good end for ...对...决无好下场 That music is the end.那音乐妙极了! That last stupid bungle of his is the end.他那最后一次愚蠢的错误使我再也无法容忍了。 2、vi:? 结束, 终结, 终止; vt. 结束, 终止, 消灭, 完结;以...结尾 end ones own life自杀 All my efforts ended in failure.我的一切努力都归于失败。 二、End 的习惯搭配 achieve ones end达到目的 win ones end达到目的 gain ones end达到目的 all ends up[口]完全地, 彻底地 All is well that ends well.[谚]结局好就一切都好。 at an end结束, 终止; 耗尽 at loose ends处于杂乱状态, 无所适从 at a loose end处于未定[未决]状态, 处于杂乱状态, 无所适从 at ones wits end智穷才尽, 束手无策, 不知所措 at ones wits end智穷才尽, 束手无策, 不知所措 at the end (of)在一端, 在终点 at the end of ones means财力枯竭, 山穷水尽 at the end of ones resources财力枯竭, 山穷水尽 at the end of ones rope智穷才尽, 处于绝境 at the end of ones tether精力衰竭, 智穷才尽, 财源枯竭 at the end of the day在一天的末了; 到了最后, 在结束的时候, 在结帐的时候 at the end of the earth在天涯海角 be all on end大发脾气, 非常生气 be at a dead end到达铁道支线的终点; 无法前进, 停滞不前 come to a dead end到达铁道支线的终点; 无法前进, 停滞不前 reach a dead end到达铁道支线的终点; 无法前进, 停滞不前 be at an idle end (=be at loose ends)没有固定工作, 闲着, 无所事事 be near ones end濒于死亡, 末日将至 be the end of是...致死的原因; 成为...毁灭的原因 begin at the wrong end开头就错, 做事不得法 start at the wrong end开头就错, 做事不得法 bring sb. to his wits end使某人智穷计尽, 使某人不知所措, 使某人陷入窘境 drive sb. to his wits end使某人智穷计尽, 使某人不知所措, 使某人陷入窘境 put sb. to his wits end使某人智穷计尽, 使某人不知所措, 使某人陷入窘境 bring to a dead end使...陷入僵局, 使...走投无路 bring to an end结束, 完成, 终止 bring to a close结束, 完成, 终止 by the end of到...末 carry sth. through to the end把某事进行到底 Choice of the end covers choice of the means只要目的正当, 可以不择手段。 come out at the little end of the horn[口]说了大话不能兑现 come out of the little end of the horn[口]说了大话不能兑现 come to the end结束, 告终 come to no good end失败, 没有好下场 co


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