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RD公司中JIT-VMI存货管理模式探究      随着市场经济的不断发展,企业管理水平的不断提高,如何快速对市场需求作出及时反应,并有效降低企业存货成本,是当下企业面临的主要难题。在此背景下产生了多种存货管理模式,最主要的存货管理模式包括:经济订货批量法(EOQ)、物料需求计划(MRP)、准时化采购(JIT)、供应商管理库存(VMI),其中,应用较为广泛的是准时化采购(JIT)和供应商管理库存(VMI),但是这两种模式仍然存在不足:JIT 的小批量采购会增加供应商的运输次数和成本,对供应商来说是困难的事情;VMI 是建立在企业与供应商相互信任、诚信并且实力强大的基础上的,一旦供应商实力不足或缺失诚信,都会使企业遭受很大的损失。      为了弥补准时化采购(JIT)和供应商管理库存(VMI)存在的不足,本文提出将 JIT与 VMI 两种存货管理模式相结合,形成新的 JIT-VMI 存货管理模式,来实现降低企业存货水平、提高企业生产效率的目的。为了成功实施 JIT-VMI 存货管理模式,与供应商建立良好的合作关系,针对不同区域的供应商,采取不同的供货策略,并通过引入第三方物流的方式实现降低供应商的存货水平。      为展现 JIT-VMI 模式的应用价值,从 2013 年开始,在 RD 公司内部实施 JIT-VMI 模式,自模式实施以来,取得了良好的成效,存货成本下降,占用的资金越来越少,企业的获利能力越来越强,效益也明显提高。JIT-VMI 存货管理模式既管理好了存货,又降低了存货成本,具有一定的实践价值,对整个汽车制造行业具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。      关键词:存货管理,模式创新,制造企业,JIT-VMI      Abstract      With the continuous development of market economy and the continuous improvement ofthe level of enterprise management, how to make a timely response to market demand, andeffectively reduce the cost of enterprise inventory, is the main problem faced by enterprises.      There are four major inventory management modes: economic order quantity (EOQ), materialrequirements planning (MRP), just in time purchasing (JIT), Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI),of which, the widely used are JIT Procurement (JIT) and Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), butthese two kinds of model are still insufficient: JIT small batch purchase will increase the supplierdelivery times and cost of suppliers is difficult things; VMI is established in enterprises andsuppliers of mutual trust, integrity and strong base, once a supplier of insufficient strength orlack of integrity, will enable enterprises to suffer a great loss.      In order to make up for JIT purchasing (JIT) and Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), thispaper proposes to combination the JIT and VMI two inventory management models , form a newinventory management model JIT-VMI, in order to reduce the inventory level, improve theproduction efficiency of the enterprise. In order to successfully implement the new inventorym


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