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X X 理 工 大 学 毕 业 论 文 论 文 题 目:床身上最大回转直径630mm的 数控车床总体设计及主轴箱设计 专 业 名 称: 层 次: 学 生 姓 名: 完 成 日 期: 摘 要 数控即数字控制(Numerial Control,简写为NC)。数控技术,即NC技术,是指用数字化信息(数字量及字符)发出指令并实现自动控制的技术。是近代发展起来的一种自动控制技术。目前,数控技术已经成为现代制造技术的基础支撑,数控技术和数控装备是制造工业现代化的重要基础。这个基础是否牢固直接影响到一个国家的经济发展和综合国力,关系到一个国家的战略地位。因此,世界上个工业发达国家均采取重大措施来发展自己的数控技术及其产业。 数控机床(Numerial Control Machine Tools)是指采用数字控制技术对机床加工过程进行自动控制的一类机床。国际信息处理联盟第五次技术委员会对数控机床作的定义是:“数控机床是一个装有程序控制系统的机床,该系统能够逻辑地处理具有使用代码或其他编码指令规定的程序。”它是集现代机械制造技术、自动控制技术及计算机信息技术于一体,采用数控装置或计算机来部分或全部地取代一般通用机床在加工零件时的各种动作(如启动、加工顺序、改变切削量、主轴变速、选择刀具、冷却液开停以及停车等)的人工控制,是高效率、高精度、高柔性和高自动化的光、机、电一体化的数控设备。自动控制人工控制高效率Aastract A part of the container kind is the basic matter of a machine and a part. That will choose an axis in the machine and the part, a bearing and a part of a cover and a gear as related assembly in the fixed mutual location, and is 1 of whole. Its transmitted by a schedule, and its related to the movement of harmonization. Therefore the quality of the processing of a container doesnt just influence its precision of the assembly and precision of the movement and moreover influences the precision of the mechanical work, and the performance and the lifetime are used. Its main feature: The shape is complicated, a wall, its thin and, I dont balance and present the interior with the shape of the accent, and there are a lot of parts of processing, and though the difficulty level of the processing finds a plane with a department in the hole where its big and highly precise in the percentage, and is low in the percentage likewise, there is precision of much I ask to tighten a hole up. Parts of mechanical processing, in order to ensure processing requirements, the first part of the machine to make a correct position, and this position in the course of processing is not due to the impact of external changes. To this end, during machining, must be the workpiece clamping good


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