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学 号: HEBEI UNITED UNIVERSITY 毕业论文 GRADUATE THESIS 论文题目:归化与异化角度下唐诗的英译研究 学生姓名: 专业班级: 学 院:外国语学院 指导教师: 2014年05月31日 The English Translation of Tang Poems from the Perspective of Domestication and Foreignization By Zhong Wenhao A graduate thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts to the College of Foreign Languages Hebei United University May 31st, 2014 摘 要 中国是诗的国度,唐诗更是文学创作中的一枝奇葩,被誉为文学王冠上闪亮的珍珠,是中国古代劳动人民美好智慧的最佳语言表达。唐诗蕴含强烈的情感、丰富的想象,是语言精练与内容丰富相得益彰的文学作品形式。与其他的文学形式相比,诗以一种超越文化的神秘之美,而成为跨文化交流的重要桥梁。唐诗之美如何被西方人所读懂、所欣赏是一个难题。译诗难,译唐诗更难。唐诗以其自身的格律,韵律,修辞等特点以及中西方文化的差异成为中西方译者读者难以驾驭的一个难题。诗歌不仅反映了诗人的理想、志向、追求,同时也反映了古代中国人民的伟大智慧和优秀的中华文明。 本文首先介绍了选题原因和重要意义,然后介绍了归化异化理论内容以及唐诗的主要特点。本文尝试从唐诗的英译研究角度入手,利用归化异化理论寻找出合理的翻译方法。论文的第三部分为论文的核心部分,列举了影响唐诗归化与异化翻译的主要因素。同时选取了几首英译唐诗作为典型案例进行分析,指出他们中运用归化异化理论对唐诗英译恰当于不恰当的处理。最后对全文总结:在唐诗英译过程中应该将归化异化理论结合起来恰当运用,而不是过渡使用二者其一。 关键词 唐诗;归化;异化;意象;文化差异 ABSTRACT China is a country of poems, and Tang poems are even the exotic flower of literature creation. It is also praised as the gem on the crown of literature. It is the best way of expression to commend the ingenious ancient Chinese people. Tang poems contain the powerful affection of the poets, and the plentiful imagination. It is a form of literature that refined words and abundant content. Therefore, comparing with other form of literature, poems have a kind of mysterious beauty and being the bridge of multicultural exchange. It is remain a chronic problem that how to make the beauty of Tang poems accepted and enjoyed by the English-speaking countries. So, it is quite difficult to translate Chinese poems into English, especially Tang poems. Because it is not only represent the ambition, ideal and aspiration of the poets but also reflect the great wisdom of ancient Chinese people and dazzling China civilization. Because of the characteristic of metre, rhythm, figures of speech of Tang poems and the big cultural difference of Chinese and English it is being a big prob


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