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英语口语教?案 英语口语实?践教研室 韩晨 Lesso?n One Meeti?ng and Greet?ing 1.Aims of Teach?ing Maste?r Impro?ve the stude?nts’ oral abili?ties of commu?nicat?ion and makin?g comme?nts 2.Key Point?s Learn? somet?hing about? Learn?ing to emplo?y the 20 basic? sente?nce patte?rns and phras?es into pract?ice. How are you? Nice to see you. What a prett?y name. Whos this? Id love to meet them. She doesn?t recog?nize you. She seems? good today?. Maybe? its a day for a mirac?le. Im so happy? to meet you all. Goodb?ye. We miss you. How are you? Prett?y good. Hows it going?? Good to see you. Thats great?. Well done. When are you going?? I want to make a recor?ding of a few songs?. I reall?y liked? the way you playe?d and your singi?ng. Id love that. Learn?ing some about? the lines? in the movie?s Learn?ing some Engli?sh gramm?ar 3.Metho?ds of Teach?ing Using? multi?-media? teach?ing equip?ment Group?-Discu?ssion? Livin?g perfo?rmanc?e 4.Time Arran?gemen?t: 1 Prepa?ratio?n 2-3 In-Class? 4 After?-Class? Readi?ng and movie?-watch?ing 5 Exerc?ises Part I课程简介? Part II Basic? Sente?nce Patte?rns I. 20 sente?nces How are you? Nice to see you. What a prett?y name. Whos this? Id love to meet them. She doesn?t recog?nize you. She seems? good today?. Maybe? its a day for a mirac?le. Im so happy? to meet you all. Goodb?ye. We miss you. How are you? Prett?y good. Hows it going?? Good to see you. Thats great?. Well done. When are you going?? I want to make a recor?ding of a few songs?. I reall?y liked? the way you playe?d and your singi?ng. Id love that. Unit 1 II.Idiom?atic usage? A good begin?ning is half done.好的开始是?成功的一半?。 III. Cultu?re links? 打招呼,无论是朋友?引荐,街头遇见,还是活动结?束时道别,都是礼貌和?个人修养的?体现。在欧美国家?,以谈论天气?作为打招呼?的一种方式?是较常见的?。 同时要注意?称谓的使用?,常用的是Mr.,Mrs,Mz,和Miss,Mr.用于男子,无论结婚与?否;Mrs多用于已婚?妇女;Mz通只女性(包括已婚和?未婚);Miss用于未婚妇?女。 一般打招呼?,只要点头微?笑说“Hi”,Hello?或Good morni?ng. 如果是熟人?不常见,见面可用How are you?回答Fine,thank? you,and you?;如果是熟人?很久不见了?,可用How have you been?或者Long time no see. The simpl?est t



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