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Direc?tions? : There? are 700 incom?plete? in this part. For each sente?nce there? are four choic?es marke?d A,B,C and D.Choos?e the ONE answe?r that best compl?etes the sente?nce.
Mr. Smith? has _____?_ himse?lf as a pivot?al figur?e in US polit?ics.
A.estab?lishe?d B.rende?red
C.evalu?ated D.disco?vered?
2.I am sure your young?er broth?er will _____?____ what your paren?ts expec?t of him .
A. stand? up to B. live up to
C.come acros?s D.get along? with
3. Yeste?rday John bough?t a sport?s jacke?t _____? at Gowin?gs Men’s store?; it was quite? cheap? .
A.on purpo?se B.on avera?ge
C.on sale D.on guard?
4. In that count?ry , innoc?ent civil?ians are being? arres?ted and _____?_ to inhum?ane treat?ment.
A.sanct?ioned? B.subje?cted
C.erect?ed D.frust?rated?
5. I could?nt help but _____?_ this is a very queer? life .
A.think?ing B.to think?
C.thoug?ht D.think?
6.We all laugh?ed _____?____ the sight? of his stran?ge cloth?es .
A.by B.on
C.at D.in
7.The commi?ssion? is expec?ted to _____?__ the army for many of the atroc?ities?.
A.accus?e B.blame?
C.pursu?re D.recom?mend
8.Over time ,the prote?in in the eggsh?ell _____?___ into its const?iuent? amino? acids?.
A.break?s down B.bresk?s out
C.break?s throu?gh D.break?s off
9.Sandr?a was deter?mined? to becom?e a docto?r and her persi?stenc?e____?____.
A.rang off B.showe?d off
C.kept off D.paid off
10. Mary was physi?cally? _____?____ and psych?ologi?cally? unsta?ble.
A.alert? B.delic?ate
C.fatal? D.indif?feren?t
11.The car facto?ry has _____?__ 200 worke?rs becau?se of the drop in sales?.
A.laid down B.laid aside?
C.laid out
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