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Modul?e3 Unit 1 The world? of our sense?s 【课时内容】 Welco?me to the unit readi?ng(1) 【学习目标】 1. To condu?ct a free discu?ssion? about? five sense?s. 2. To remem?ber the new words? and expre?ssion?s. 3. To read a story? about? a woman? lost in the fog. 【课前预习】 I. Read and recit?e new words? from “” to “puzzl?e”. (方法引导:按音标正确?读、背单词) II.根据所给中?文释义写出?单词或短语?(方法引导:先默写,然后核对答?案,错误之处用?红笔标出,写出正确答?案并再次加?以巩固) 1. _____?_____?___ n. 感觉;感官;意义;vt. 感觉到 2._____?_____?___ n. 事实;真理 3._____?_____?___ vt. 观察;注意到;观察到 n. _____?_____?_____? 4._____?_____?____ vi n 瞥,扫视 5._____?_____?____ adv. 无处,到处都不 6. _____?_____?____ adj. 空无一人的?;被离弃的 v.抛弃,舍弃___?_____?_____?__ 7._____?_____?_____? adj. 粗糙的 8. _____?_____?_____?vi. (心脏)跳动 过去式__?_____?____过?去分词__?_____?____ 9._____?_____?_____? adv 坚定地,牢牢地 10._____?_____?_____? adj 稀有的,罕见的 11._____?_____?_____? vt vi (使)僵住,呆住 过去式__?_____?____过?去分词__?_____?____ 12. _____?_____?____ adv. 自信地 13___?_____?_____?__ adv 亲,当面 14. 看得到,在视力范围?内____?_____?_____?____ 15. 盼望,企盼___?_____?_____?_____?__ 16. 伸出 _____?_____?_____?_____?_____?_ 17. 抬头凝视 _____?_____?_____?_____?__ 18. 留意,留心,密切注意_?_____?_____?_____?___ III.你能翻译下?列歌词吗?翻译时注意?押韵,相信你能行?! My?Five?Sense?s I am someb?ody! I am able to see with my eyes. I see the frog jumpi?ng. I am able to hear with my ears. I hear the bird singi?ng. I am able to smell? with my nose. The roses? smell? good. I am able to taste? with my tongu?e. The candy? taste?s sweet?. I am able to touch? with my hands?. The ice feels? cold. Whate?ver I do, I use my five sense?s. 【课堂学习】 Step1? Read the infor?matio?n on page1? and finis?h the follo?wing tasks?. 1 Compl?ete the follo?wing table?. We do with the sense? see 1. _____?_____? 2. _____?__ hear 3. _____?_____? 4. _____?__ 5. _____?___ tongu?e/taste? buds 6. _____?__ 7. _____?___ 8. _____?____ smell? 9. _____?___ hands?/feet/skin 10. _____?_ 2 Do you know how blind? peopl?e can read? _____?_____?_____?_____?_____?_____?_____?_____?_ 3 How do the deaf com


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