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2012考?研英语真题?及答案 Secti?on Ⅰ Use of Engli?sh   Direc?tions?:   Read the follo?wing text. Choos?e the best word(s) for each numbe?red blank? and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D]on ANSWE?R SHEET? 1. ( 10 point?s)   The ethic?al judgm?ents of the Supre?me Court? justi?ces becam?e an impor?tant issue? recen?tly. The court? canno?t____?_ its legit?imacy? as guard?ian of the rule of law__?____ justi?ces behav?e like polit?ician?s. Yet, in sever?al insta?nces, justi?ces acted? in ways that_?____ the court?’s reput?ation? for being? indep?enden?t and impar?tial。   Justi?ces Anton?in Scali?a and Samue?l Alito? Jr., for examp?le, appea?red at polit?ical event?s. That kind of activ?ity makes? it less likel?y that the court?’s decis?ions will be___?_ as impar?tial judgm?ents. Part of the probl?em is that the justi?ces are not _____? by an ethic?s code. At the very least?, the court? shoul?d make itsel?f____?___ to the code of condu?ct that _____?_to the rest of the feder?al judic?iary。   This and other? cases? _____?_the quest?ion of wheth?er there? is still? a _____? betwe?en the court? and polit?ics。   The frame?rs of the Const?ituti?on envis?ioned? law__?__ havin?g autho?rity apart? from polit?ics. They gave justi?ces perma?nent posit?ions ____ they would? be free to ____t?hose in power? and have no need to___?__ polit?ical suppo?rt. Our legal? syste?m was desig?ned to set law apart? from polit?ics preci?sely becau?se they are so close?ly _____?。   Const?ituti?onal law is polit?ical becau?se it resul?ts from choic?es roote?d in funda?menta?l socia?l _____?_like? liber?ty and prope?rty. When the court? deals? with socia?l polic?y decis?ions, the law it _____?is inesc?apabl?y polit?ical — which? is why decis?ions split? along? ideol?ogica?l lines? are so easil?y _____? as unjus?t。   The justi?ces must _____?doubt?s about? the court?’s legit?imacy? by makin?g thems?elves? _____?to the code of condu?ct. That would? make their? rulin?gs more likel?y to be seen as separ?ate from polit?ics


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