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基于物品属性聚类的融合协同过滤算法 //. - 1 - 基于物品属性聚类的融合协同过滤算法 梁佳男,张华** 作者简介:梁佳男(1989-),男,硕士研究生,推荐系统,信息安全 通信联系人:张华(1983-),女,副教授,密码协议、物联网和云计算安全、工业控制系统安全、移动互 联网安全 (北京邮电大学网络与交换国家重点实验室,北京 100876) 5 摘要:随着信息技术的发展,各式各样的推荐系统早已广泛地应用在电子商务、新闻推荐等 领域。协同过滤可以算是推荐系统众多推荐算法中,使用频率最高的一种。但其往往存在数 据稀疏性问题和冷启动等缺点。为了减少推荐系统计算的时间,提高推荐准确率,本文提出 一种基于物品标签聚类和 slope-one 协同过滤的融合推荐算法。在算法中,通过利用用户对 物品的评分行为和物品的属性标签,计算出用户对物品属性的偏好向量。然后利用该向量对10 用户进行聚类,将用户分成多个相似偏好用户组。最后,再使用 slope-one 算法对未评分的 物品进行打分。属性标签的使用,减少了用户特征向量的维度,部分解决了矩阵稀疏的问题, 而通过聚类和 slope-one 算法的融合,在保留了 slope-one 算法计算模型简单优点的同时, 也提高了打分的准确性。最后,通过 MovieLens 上的数据集验证,相比于 slope-one 算法, 该融合算法确实能够提高推荐系统的准确性。 15 关键词:推荐系统;协同过滤;聚类;标签 中图分类号:TP311 Hybrid collaborative filtering algorithm based on Item Tag clustering 20 LIANG Jianan, ZHANG Hua (State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing 100876) Abstract: With the development of information technology, a lot of recommendation systems have been widely used in e-commerce, news recommendation etc. Collaborative filtering is one of 25 the most important recommendation algorithms among recommendation system. However it#039;s also suffering some problems such as data sparsity and cold start. In order to reduce computing time for recommendation and improve the accuracy, a new collaborative filtering recommendation system combining item-tag clustering and slope-one algorithm is proposed. In this algorithm, users were clustered according to users#039; preference on tags of items. Property tags were userd to 30 reduce users#039; feature vector, which solved data sparsity partially. By combining both clustering and slope-one algorithm, the recommendation system retained the advantage of slope-one algorithm while improving accuracy as well. The experiment were applied to MovieLens dataset, which showed that the accuracy of this combined algorithm is in advance of na??ve slope-one.


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