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(4). 不定式符号to的省略 1) 并列的不定式可省去后面的 to. I told him to sit down and wait for a moment. 2) help 当“帮助”讲时, 后面的宾语或宾补的 不定式符号to可带可不带。 I will help (to) do it for you. I will help you (to) do it. 3) 介词but前若有动词do的某种形式, 后面的不定式不带 to. The boy did nothing but play. 4)不定式省略,单独使用不定式符号to ①在 expect,forget,hope,intend,like,love,mean,prefer, refuse,seem,try,want,wish等后面。如: I asked him to see the film,but he didn’t want to. ②在have,need,ought,be going,used等后面。 ③在某些形容词pleased,glad,happy 等后面。 --Will you join the game? --I’d be glad to. ④否定形式的省略用not to。 如果不定式中含有be,have,have been,通常保留be,have,和have been 。如: --He hasn’t finished yet. --Well,he ought to have. 4) 主语从句中有动词do, 后面作表语的不定式 的to可带可不带。 What we can do now is (to) wait. 5) find 当“发现”讲时,后面作宾语补足语的 不定式符号to可带可不带。 We found him (to) work very hard at the experiment. 但如果是不定式 to be, 则不能省略。 She found him to be dishonest. (5) 某些使役动词(let, make, have) 及感官动词 (see, watch, hear, notice, observe, feel, look at, listen to等)后面作宾语补足语的不定式一定 要省去 to, 但在被动语态中须将to 复原。 I saw the boy fall from the tree. The boy was seen to fall from the tree. The boss made us work 12 hours a day. We were made to work 12 hours a day. (3) Should there be a flood, what should we do? , they would certainly come and help us. (2) Were I you , I would do the work better. Had they time If I had time (If I were you) (If there should be a flood) 5. 连词if在部分虚拟条件句中可省略, 但要将 后面的should, were, had提到主语的前面。 Notes 1. 省略句可同时省掉句子几个成份 What exciting news! (= What exciting news it is!) 多么令人激动的消息啊! Pity he’s failed. (= It is a pity that he’s failed.) 很遗憾, 他失败了。 I like him more than her. (= I like him more than I like her.) 我喜欢他更甚于喜欢她。 2. 被省略的部分一般可以在句子中补上, 但 有时省略结构已经定型, 如果把省略部分补上, 反而不合乎习惯。 He is taller than I am. 他比我高。 (am之后省略tall, 补上不合习惯) No parking. 禁止停车。 (告示用语 = No parking is allowed here.) 有一些习惯表达很难补上所省略的部分: Not at all. 不用谢。 No matter. 不要紧。 Thanks. 谢谢。 Exercise She can swim under water longer than


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