影视动画(Film and television animation).docVIP

影视动画(Film and television animation).doc

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影视动画(Film and television animation).doc

影视动画(Film and television animation) Brief introduction of the school Changchun and animation education is the predecessor of Beijing power group Jilin province perfect animation education base , founded in 2004, is Chinese only a set of film special effects production, animation, television advertising, packaging, TV animation, animation publishing portal web site operation, animation and digital film and television education as one of the comprehensive education mechanism. Relying on the science and technology limited liability company, perfect dynamic animation group, as the perfect power film base and CCTV powerful advantages and industry experience, training a large number of animation industry, high-end talent, but also produced a large number of commercial projects, such as: The legend of Condor Hero , Legend of the Condor Heroes , hidden , my head of my group , the legend of Bruce Lee , eight guardians , Han Wu Emperor , the judge of Song Dynasty and economic law , consumer advocate and exchange space , Qu Yuan Miscellaneous , Happy Dictionary , military culturevision , military record , CCTV , Spanish TV model contest animation Gloops , home with kids animated TV series, animated film Kitti , CCTV2 cartoon family general mobilization, HP Transformers series of ads, M-Zone (Jay Chou) advertising, Dell advertising, computer Chrysler 300C car ads, the Patriot corporate videos, SONY notebook computer TV ads, TV ads Tianqi toothpaste. The school project department (Changchun Cheng Cheng Technology Co., Ltd.) is committed to domestic and international animation field production and research and development. Perennial undertake large and medium-sized animation, advertising films, column packaging, game animation, film and television special effects and other production operations. Two, awards honor: Mummy, Kung Fu Xiao Wu landing CCTV6 love film program Mummy wins Golden Dolphin best film animation short film award Chinas most valuable animation training brand Chin


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