手表等级分类的知识(Knowledge of grade classification of watches).docVIP

手表等级分类的知识(Knowledge of grade classification of watches).doc

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手表等级分类的知识(Knowledge of grade classification of watches).doc

手表等级分类的知识(Knowledge of grade classification of watches) There are many kinds of watches, and watches are different for different groups of people. Successful watches, for example, are all first-class watches, Then, how are the grades of watches classified? Below we come to understand the classification of watches knowledge. 1. super luxury watches: These watches brand gold content is extremely high, the production is limited, the price is more than one hundred thousand yuan. Super luxury watch series. In order to make complex function table known, polished exquisite, full display table factory technical strength, brand gold content is very high, the output is limited, the price is more than one hundred thousand yuan. Patek Philippe Patek Philippe Audemars Pigeut Audemars Piguet Vacheron Constantin Vacheron Constantin Lange A.LANGESOHNE Breguet Breguet Haojue ROGER DUBIUS Jonny Palmer (PARMIGIANI complex models, general models for a class a); Blancpain Blancpain Athens Ulysse Nardin (complex section, common paragraph is one class one); Frank, Muller, FRANCK, MULLER (complex, common money is one class one); Lasu (GLASHUETTE ORIGINAL GUB39 automatic movement and Damen as a Class A); PERREGAUX (complex models, general models for a class a). PERREGAUX GIRARD-PERREGAUX FRANK, MULLER, flange, Muller (complex, common, class one); 2. first class watches: Classic table for Chinese high salary. Rolex Rolex All nations IWC, International, Watch, Co. Jaeger Le Coulter Jaeger-LeCoultre Cartire Cartier Chopin Chopard Count PIAGET 3. class two watches: Suitable for Chinese high paying table tennis player. True profit, Zenith KELEK (seems to have been discontinued) Kunlun Corum Daniel Ross DANIEL ROTH Respect GERALD GENTA United UNION Ruibao CHRONO Pei Hai, PANERAI OMEGA OMEGA Duran, DUBEYSCHALDENBRAND Ebel EBEL Note 1: many of the same brand products are different, so it is classified as super according to its proportion. It shows that it is well known in the complex function table


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