Informed Consent For Chemotherapy - Merseyside amp; Cheshire 化疗-默西塞德郡和柴郡的知情同意书;.ppt

Informed Consent For Chemotherapy - Merseyside amp; Cheshire 化疗-默西塞德郡和柴郡的知情同意书;.ppt

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Informed Consent For Chemotherapy Angela Madigan Lead Chemotherapy Nurse for MCCN Macmillan Haematology CNS Contents What is informed consent? Why consent at all? Law and Ethics Department of Health The Role of the CNS Research Communication Skills What is Informed Consent? Informed consent is an ongoing agreement by a person to receive treatment, undergo procedures or participate in research, after risks, benefits and alternatives have been adequately explained. There is a professional, legal, and moral consensus about the clinical duty to obtain informed consent. It is the method by which fully informed, rational persons may be involved in choices about their health care. Why Consent at all ? A reason for taking informed consent seriously is that it provides assurance that patients and others are neither deceived nor coerced. Since the point of consent procedures is to limit deception and coercion, they should be designed to give patients and others control over the amount of information they receive and the opportunity to question consent already given. Law and Ethics Informed consent is bound by ethical and legal frameworks As a matter of law and medical ethics, senior cancer professionals are required to obtain a patients informed consent before administering chemotherapy Even if the professional strongly believes that chemotherapy is the best treatment option available to the patient The Department of Health The NHS Cancer Plan (2000) emphasised the importance of good communication between patients and staff caring for them. This was reinforced by the DHs (2007) Cancer Reform Strategy, which featured staff training in communication as a key area. Department of Health The strategy (CRS) says that all senior cancer professionals will, be expected to demonstrate they have the necessary competencies in face-to-face communication after a training course. This means showing the level of competencies to communicate complex information, involve patien


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