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Computed tomography (CT) in veterinary medicine CT(计算机体层摄影) 在兽医医学上的应用 H. van Bree I. Gielen Draw backs of conventional radiology 传统放射学回顾 Three dimensions becoming two 三维变成二维 Superposition 叠影 Distortion of the image 图像的失真 Limited soft tissue differentiation 软组织分辨率有限 CT: what? 什么是CT? Technological Comparison of CT Scanners CT扫描仪在技术上的对比 Comparison of Single-Slice CT and Multislice CT 单层螺旋CT与多层螺旋CT的比较 Spatial resolution and pixel 空间(立体)的分辨和像素 Different windows 不同的窗口 (Dis)advantages of CT CT的优缺点 Advantages:优点 Avoiding superimposition of surrounding structures. 避免环绕结构形成重影 Superior tissue contrast-density difference. 优异的组织对比密度差异 Possibility of recons in different planes (2D, 3D). 对不同平面进行远程操作(2D,3D) Measurements possible (density, surface, size). 可以测量(密度,表面积,大小) Disadvantages:缺点 Radiation hazard. 射线的危害 High cost? 高成本? Access to equipment? 有权使用设备否? General anaesthesia. 全身麻醉 Learning curve dealing with axial pictures. 学会处理轴线图像的曲线 Radiation dose from CT CT射线的放射剂量 CT: 3D-reconstructions CT:三维重建 CT artefacts CT误差 Most common:最常见 Streak artefacts 纹理 Partial volume artefacts 局部体积 Beam hardening 射束硬化 Why CT ? 为什么要做CT? Any situation where superimposition should be avoided. 被检结构不受邻近器官重叠干扰 Why CT ? 为什么要做CT? Any situation where superimposition should be avoided. 被检结构不受邻近器官重叠干扰 Any situation where the extension of a process should be evaluated. 评估病程的进展。 Why CT ? Any situation where superimposition should be avoided. 被检结构不受邻近器官重叠干扰 Any situation where the extension of a process should be evaluated. 无论什么情况都要评估病程进展。 CT guided biopsies. CT可以引导活组织检查。 Evaluation of treatment/follow-up. 评估治疗效果/追踪观察 When CT in small animals? 小动物何时做CT? Affections of the skull 颅部受影响 Brain 脑 Splanchnocranium 咽颅 Nasal cavity 鼻腔 Spinal problems 脊柱问题 Orthopaedics 矫形外科 Detection of fragments 碎片检测 Elbow 肘 Tarsus 跗节 Other其他 Asymmetry lat ventricles = “mass-effect” 侧脑室不对称=“肿块影响” Indications for CT CT的应用 Affections of the skull 颅部受影响 Brain脑 Splanchnocranium 咽颅 Nasal cav


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