计算机概论教学(英文版)华南理工-计概英文版 试卷2.docVIP

计算机概论教学(英文版)华南理工-计概英文版 试卷2.doc

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I. Multiple-Choice Questions (1.5*20=30 points) 1. What is a unique characteristic of zeros in the ones complement representation? a. Zero is represented by the largest positive value. b. There are none; zero is implied by the absence of data. c. Zero is represented by the largest negative value. d. There are two of them, one positive and one negative. 2. ________is a protocol for mail services. a. FTP b. SMTP c. TELNET d. HTTP 3. Every computer today is based on the ________ model. a. Intel b. von Neumann c. input/output d. Microsoft 4. How do you represent the number -7 in 8 bits using twos complement? b a. b. c. d. 5. A program is comprised of a finite number of ________. a. hard drives b. instructions c. memory cells d. i/o devices 6. A 17th-century computing machine that could perform addition and subtraction was the ________. a. Pascaline b. Jacquard loom c. Analytical Engine d. Babbage machine 7. ________ is the highest speed memory. a. CPU register b. main memory c. cache memory d. magnetic disk 8. An 8-bit pattern can represent up to _______ symbols. a. 8 b. 128 c. 256 d. 16 9. If the ASCII code for E is 1000101, then the ASCII code for e is ________ . a. 1000110 b. 1000111 c. 0000110 d. 1100101 10. One company occupies two adjacent rooms in the Zhongxing Building.The network ,consisting of four workstations and a printer,is probably a ________. a. LAN b.MAN c. WAN d. none of the above 11. Which number representation method is most widely used today for storing integers in a computer? ________ . a. sign-and-magnitude b. one’s complement c. two’s complement d. unsigned integers 12. For an 8-bit allocation , the largest decimal number that can be represented in two’s complement form is ________ . a. -8 b. -127 c. -1


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