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新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏 * 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏 高二英语作文讲评课 英 语 组 秦 娜 2008年5月13日 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏 教学目标: 1)学生作文中常犯的毛病分析 2)掌握正确的写作方法 3)进行科学的强化训练 4)熟悉高考的命题思路 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏 学生作文中常犯毛病: 1)理解错误 2)文不对题 3)格式错误 4)谴词造句错误 5)语言运用不当 6)时间不够 注意 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏 书面表达: 最近你市一次公务员招考办刷掉了成绩位居第一的考生,理由是 他身有残疾,引起了极大的社会反响.请你根据表格内容写一篇英语 短文,并谈谈你对此事的看法: ……… 1)残疾人行为不便,影响工作. 2)残疾人影响单位形象. 1)社会需要的德才兼备人 2)很多残疾人身残志坚, 能力很强. 3)残疾人有权利为社会服务. 你的想法 另一部分人认为 一部分人认为 The result of the civil service examination were announced. a young man came first but was not employed because of his disability. people have different opinions about it . 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏 高考英语话题作文模板: Nowadays, there are more and more(某种现象). It is estimated that(相关数据) why have there been so many (某种现象)?Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is(原因一), Besides, (原因二), The third one is(原因三). To sum up, the main cause of(某种现象) is due to (最主要原因).It is high time that something were done upon it .For one thing(解决办法一). On the other hand,(解决办法二). All these measures will certainly reduce the number of (某种现象). 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏 谴词造句的错误及后文改病错时应注意: 时态、语态、人称、主谓一致、习惯表达、单词拼写、标点、大小写等易错之处. 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏 作文答题六步法: 审,圈,注,定,写,改 1、 审试题 2、 圈要点 3 、注短语 4 、定基调 (体材,时态,人称,段落, 基本框架) 5、 写全文(加过渡语句,串句成篇) 6 、改病错 新课标英语课件PPT文档 友情分享 持续更新 欢迎收藏 The result of the civil service examination were announced. a young man came first but was not employed because of his disability. people have different opinions about it . Some people think our society needs able and talent people , Whatever kinds of people they are .Though disabled ,many have a strong will and great ability .They have the right to serve the people and should get equal access to employment .Others ho


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