Pride and Prejudice—— Barriers On the Way of Love 英语专毕业论文.docx

Pride and Prejudice—— Barriers On the Way of Love 英语专毕业论文.docx

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Pride and Prejudice—— Barriers On the Way of Love 英语专毕业论文

AbstractPride and Prejudice is a very popular novel written by Jane Austen and it was read widely all over the world. Different people may have different attitudes toward marriage. Someone will consider that love is the fundamental of marriage, while some people may realize that marriage can provide opportunities of class mobility and financial support; money and class are thus closely connected in their decision of marital partners. Powerful as love is, it can let the hero restrain his pride, and let the heroine abandon prejudice, and re-know and accept a person. This thesis first of all introduces the author and the novel, followed by character analysis of the two protagonists and how pride and prejudice influence their relationship from the beginning to the end. The paper aims at proving that one has to give up his pride and prejudice and treat people rationally and impartially through the change of the two protagonists’ relationship. Key words:Pride ; Prejudice; Jane Austen; marriage; 摘 要《傲慢与偏见》是一部由简·奥斯汀所著的小说,在全世界都很受欢迎,并被广泛阅读。每个人对婚姻的看法和态度都不一样,有些人把爱情当做是婚姻的奠基石,而有人认为它可以为提高社会地位和增加财富创造机会,因此在他们选择另一半的时候会把金钱与地位与其紧密相连。爱情的力量是如此伟大,它可以让男主人公抑制他的骄傲,让女主人公摒弃偏见,并且重新认识并接纳一个人。这篇文章先简单介绍了作者和小说,之后,本文通过分析两位主人公的性格来印证傲慢与偏见是如何从头到尾影响他们的关系。文章旨在通过两人之间的关系变化,证明人应该摒弃傲慢与偏见并客观公正地对待他人。关键词:傲慢;偏见;简·奥斯汀;婚姻IntroductionJane Austen was the youngest daughter of George Austen, rector of the village of Steventon in Hampshire, southern England, where she was born in 1775. She received a good education at home and remained unmarried all through her life. Jane Austen started writing at an early age. Living in the time of Romantic Poets though, Jane Austen is generally regarded as a realistic novelist and the first female writer of importance. She finished writing altogether six novels, leaving behind her two fragments. Her novels are as follows: Sense and Sensibility(1811), Pride and Prejudice(1813), Mansfield Park(1814), Emma(1816), Northanger Abbey(1818), and Persuasion(1818), among which Pride and Pre


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