Negative Transer of Mother Language and English Teaching Method 母语负迁移与英语教学.doc

Negative Transer of Mother Language and English Teaching Method 母语负迁移与英语教学.doc

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Negative Transer of Mother Language and English Teaching Method 母语负迁移与英语教学

上饶师范学院 毕业论文(设 计) 题 目: 母语负迁移与英语教学 学生姓名: 学 号 学 院: 外 国 语 学 院 专 业: 英 语 班 级: 2009级(4)班 指导教师: 二○一三年四月 Negative Transfer of Mother Language and English Teaching Method A Thesis Presented to The School of Foreign Languages Shangrao Normal University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts By Yu Yunhua Under the Supervision of Huang Jiaoling April 2013 Abstract To us Chinese, as we learn and use English, the mother language transfer phenomenon is being an objective fact around. The transfer usually manifested in many aspects of study, including phonetics, vocabulary, and pragmatics; in our daily life such a transfer also takes place. Mother language transfer can promote English learning, but also interfere with it. For both English learners and lecturers, they can better avoid the Negative Transfer of mother tongue and reduce the occurrence probability of it if they know well about the phenomenon, and can make better use of the positive transfer of mother tongue. For English teachers, they can find better teaching methods, thus achieving higher efficiency of teaching. Key words negative transfer of mother tongue; avoid; English teaching 摘要 对于我们说汉语的人来说,在学习和运用英语的同时,母语迁移现象也就成为了存在于我们身边的客观事实。这种迁移在学习中常表现为语音、词汇、语用等诸多方面;在日常生活中,这种迁移也经常出现。母语的迁移有促进英语学习的正迁移,也有干扰英语学习的负迁移,无论是学习者还是英语讲授者,认清母语负迁移现象,能更好地避免、减少母语负迁移的发生,同时能恰当地利用母语正迁移作用,对于英语教师而言,便能找寻更好的英语教学法,进而达到更高的教学效率。 关键词 母语负迁移;避免;英语教学 Contents Abstract(English) Abstract(Chinese) Key words Introduction 1 The phenomenon of negative transfer of mother tongue1 2.1 In daily life1 2.1.1 About colors1 2.1.2 About numbers2 2.1.3 About social intercourse3 2.1.4 About historical traditions3 2.2 Negative transfer of mother tongue on the study4 2.2.1 The negative transfer on pronunciation 4 2.2.2 The negative transfer on voc


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