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错误!未找到图形项目表。 绪论 燃料 燃料的燃烧计算 输运现象[5][7][10] 输运什么呢?质量、动量、能量。The subject of transport phenomena includes three closely 化学动力学基础 燃烧学基本方程 任何一门成熟的学科都有它自己的数学模型体系,它能够在数学上描述这门学科所涉及的所有特征。人们通过解方程就可以预测这门学科所涉及的所有现象,比如在天体力学中通过解经典力学方程,就能确定行星(如海王星)的轨道;在分子物理中通过解薛定谔方程,就可以确定分子光谱。 这章介绍燃烧学基本方程。它是在流体力学方程基础上得到的。The dynamics and thermodynamics of a chemically reacting flow are governed by the conservation laws of mass, momentum, energy, and the concentration of the individual species. In this chapter, we shall first present a derivation of these conservation equations based on control volume considerations. 预混可燃气着火理论 引言[4] If the concept of ignition were purely a chemical phenomenon, it would be treated more appropriately prior to the discussion of gaseous explosions (Chapter 3). However, thermal considerations are crucial to the concept of ignition. Indeed, thermal considerations play the key role in consideration of the ignition of condensed phases. The problem of storage of wet coal or large concentrations of solid materials (grain, pulverized coal, etc.) that can undergo slow exothermic decomposition in the presence of air is also one of ignition; that is, the concept of spontaneous combustion is an element of the theory of thermal ignition. Indeed, large piles of leaves and dust clouds of flour, sugar, and certain metals fall into the same category[4] Concepts of chemical chain ignition It is appropriate to reexamine the elements discussed in analysis of the explosion limits of hydrocarbons. The explosion limits shown in Fig. 3.9 of Chapter 3 exist for particular conditions of pressure and temperature. When the thermal conditions for point 1 in this fi gure exist, some reaction begins; thus, some heat must be evolved. The experimental confi guration is assumed to be such that the heat of reaction is dissipated infi nitely fast at the walls of the containing vessel to retain the temperature at the initial value T1 . Then steady reaction prevails and a slight pressure rise is obs


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