论在新课标下体育教学中如何培养中学生体育兴趣 毕业论文.doc

论在新课标下体育教学中如何培养中学生体育兴趣 毕业论文.doc

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本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 论在新课标下体育教学中如何培养中学生体育兴趣 论在新课标下体育教学中如何培养中学生体育兴趣 摘要:学校体育是项复杂而重要的内容,它涉及到诸多因素,其中体育教学的好坏,起着至关重要的制约作用,这就要充分发挥体育教师的积极性,大胆改革课堂教学,从而促使学生养成体育锻炼习惯,只有这样才能培养学生对体育运动的兴趣和习惯。在体育教学中发现,影响学生体育成绩的一个主要因素是学生对体育课的兴趣不高造成的。体育兴趣是学生对体育运动的一种积极倾向,是学生获得体育运动知识的重要动力,提高学生对体育的认识,培养学生的体育需要,是提高学生体育兴趣的重要途径。本文结合课程标准,阐述了兴趣在体育教学中的作用,探讨了培养学生体育兴趣的途径,以期达到提高体育课教学的质量,促进体育课程改革的目的。从自身体育教学实践出发,对现阶段培养学生体育兴趣爱好现状的分析,探讨在体育教学中如何培养提高学生体育兴趣,提出一点建议,提高教学效果,为学生终身体育奠定基础。 关键词:体育兴趣 ;体育教师 ;学生 ;体育教学; 教学方法; Of Physical Education in the New Curriculum for middle school students how to cultivate interest in Abstract: School sport is a complex and important content, it involves many factors, including physical education is good or bad, plays a vital regulatory role, it is necessary to give full play to the enthusiasm of PE teachers, bold reform of classroom teaching, which encourage students to develop physical activity habits, the only way to train students interested in sports and habits. Found in physical education, sports scores of the students is a major factor in student interest in physical education is not high on the result. Student interest in sports is a positive tendency in sports is sports knowledge students acquire an important driving force to enhance students understanding of sports, the sports needs of students, students interested in sports to improve an important way. In this paper, curriculum standards, described interest in the role of physical education, sports interest students discussed ways to achieve to improve the quality of PE teaching, the purpose of promoting physical education curriculum reform. Starting from their own practice of physical education, students of sports interests at this stage analysis of the status of physical education in how to develop and improve student interest in sports, make some suggestions to improve the teaching effect, lay the foundation for lifelong physical education for students. Keywords: Interest in sports,PE teachers,Students,Physical Educati


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