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摘 要 集成运放测试仪是电子专业中一种常用的芯片测试设备。目前,市场上出售的集成运放测试仪比较少,而且价格昂贵。一般实验室都没有此类测试仪器。本课题针对这种现状,特意研制一台质量优良、成本低廉的集成运放测试仪。 集成运放测试仪主要用于测试运放芯片的参数和功能。本测试仪以STC12C5A60S2单片机作为控制核心,对运放测试电路的输入输出信号进行检测、处理,并将测试波形及参数显示到TFT彩屏上。集成运放测试仪的研究遵循一般的电子作品研究过程:首先进行系统理论分析与方案设计;然后分模块设计、测试;最后进行系统调试、测试。论文整体分为硬件设计和软件设计两大部分。然后从系统角度将测试仪分为单片机控制部分,功能按键输入部分、显示部分、信号源部分、运放测试部分和电源部分分别进行介绍。 研究结果表明自行研制的集成运放测试仪简单、实用,能够满足大多数专业人员的要求。测试仪摈弃了繁琐的功能,仅仅设置了四个按键、两种模式,并且采用TFT彩屏显示,方便专业人员观察测试结果。同时,本测试仪还存在一些不足,如不能做到通用、电路设计不完善等,需要继续深入研究。 关键词 集成运算放大器 单片机 芯片测试 TFT彩屏 Abstract Integrated op-amp tester is a commonly used in electronic chip test equipment. At present, the market integration op-amp tester is less, and the price is high. General laboratory both does not have this kind of test equipment. This subject is based on the present situation, we have developed a good quality, low cost integrated op-amp tester. Integrated op-amp tester is used to test op-amp chip parameters and function. This tester is to STC12C5A60S2 single chip microcomputer as control core, the test circuit to put their input and output signal detection and treatment, and will test the waveform and parameter display to TFT colour screens. Integrated op-amp tester research following general electronic work study process: first system theory analysis and design; And then points module design, test; The last system commissioning, testing. The whole paper into hardware design and software design of two parts. And then from the system will be divided into single chip microcomputer control Angle tester part, the function of keystroke, display section, the signal source part, op-amp testing part and power supply part introduced respectively. The results of the study show that the developed by integrated op-amp tester is simple, practical, and can satisfy the requirements of most professionals. Ditched the function of trival tester, just set the four buttons, two kinds of patterns, and the TFT color display, convenient professional observation test results. Meanwhile


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