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摘要 本次设计的任务是日产5000吨水泥熟料水泥厂生料粉磨系统工艺设计。近年来随着我国装备制造业技术水平和生产能力的不断提高,水泥生产线的规模大型化已渐成趋势。从国内外诸多水泥厂建设过程的经历来看,主机选型特别是生料磨的选型合理与否是影响项目投资,工程进度和投产后经济效益的重要因素。目前国内采用的生料磨系统主要有球磨烘干兼粉磨,立磨和辊压机终粉磨这三种系统。粉磨效率低,能耗大是球磨机系统的缺点。辊压机系统在粒度级配,操作维修等方面有缺陷。而立磨在粉磨和烘干能力,能耗及喂料粒度等方面性能都很优越。所以立式磨属当代水泥工业原料粉磨系统的首选。基于物料平衡计算和设备选型计算,此次设计选择了产量为400t/h的MLS4531立磨。 关键字:工艺设计 生料粉磨系统 立磨系统 物料平衡 设备选型 ABSTRACT The design of the task is to produce 5,000 tons of cement clinker on cement raw material grinding system process design.As Chinas equipment manufacturing industry in recent years, technological level and production capacity continues to improve, large scale cement production line technology has become the trend. The process of building a lot of cement from foreign experience point of view, the host selection in particular the selection of raw mill is reasonable or not is the impact of project investment, project progress and put into operation an important factor in economic. At present, raw mill system used in the main drying and grinding ball mill, vertical mill and roller press finish grinding these three systems. Grinding efficiency is low, energy consumption is the ball mill system shortcomings. Roller press system in the particle size, operation and maintenance and so flawed. Standing mill in grinding and drying capacity, energy consumption and feed particle size, etc. are all excellent performance. So are modern cement vertical mill grinding system of choice for industrial raw materials. Based on material balance calculations and equipment sizing, the design options of the output of 400t / h of MLS4531 vertical mill. Keyword:Process Design Raw material grinding system Roller mill system Material balance Equipment Selection 绪论 本次设计的目的在于培养我们综合运用所学的基础理论、专业知识和基本技能,提高分析、解决实际问题能力;提高查阅文献和收集资料的能力,计算机技术和外语应用能力;使我们系统而又熟练地掌握水泥厂工艺流程,具有进行水泥厂主要车间初步设计计算、编写设计说明书等工作能力;进而培养学生创新精神和实践能力,为今后的实际工作打基础。本次的设计是设计日产5000吨水泥生料磨系统,在降低电耗、提高产品质量的指导思想下进行设计,因此采用闭路系统进行粉磨。难点在于粉磨机的选择方面,到底是用立磨还是球磨机,磨机的选型如何能在达到生产能力的要求下还能尽量减少对电能的消耗。 本设计的课题


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