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学院 毕 业 设 计 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业: 给水排水工程 题 目: 某建筑给排水系统设计 指导教师: 评阅教师: 本建筑高度 88.3 m;地下两层,地上二十五层,建筑面积33100㎡,地下二层为停车库,地下一层为库房,地上为办公用房.设计范围:给水系统,消火栓系统,喷淋系统,排水系统。 室内给水系统采用上行下给式竖向分为3个区给水;地下二层车库冲洗用水近期由低区变频设备供给(远期由市政水直接供给).地上系统分三个区,1F~8F为低区,由低区加压供水设备直接供给,9F~16F为中区,由高区加压供水设备减压后供给,17F~21F为高区,由高区加压供水设备直接供给。 室内为污废合流,卫生间各洁具排水就近排入排水立管,由地下一层排出室外。室外为雨污分流;车库废水经隔油沉沙处理后排入院内雨水管道,建筑生活污水经化粪池处理后排入市政排水管网.消防系统室内管道成环状布置,竖向分为两个区,-2F~12F为低区,13F~22F为高区,失火时,启动消防按钮,或在消防值班室手动启动地下室水泵房内的消火栓泵自蓄水池吸水加压灭火.喷淋系统喷头爆裂出水,水流指示器动作,同时报警阀动作且由压力开关自动启动能源中心的喷淋泵自室外消防蓄水池吸水,供水灭火.喷淋泵具有手动.自动及消防值班室启泵功能,在地下室设置湿式报警阀四套.,分别控制-2F~5F、6F~11F、12F~17、18F~22F的喷头。喷淋系统的水泵接合器在能源中心室外统一设置。消火栓系统共设三套水泵接合器。 关键词: 给水排水系统 消防系统 水力计算 毕 业 设 计 中 文 摘 要 Abstract The building height 88.3 m;Twenty two floors underground, layer, and a building area of 33100 ㎡, underground layer for the parking garage, warehouse, for the underground layer for office space on the ground. The design scope: water supply system, fire hydrant system, sprinkler system, drainage system.The building height 88.3 m;Twenty two floors underground, layer, and a building area of 33100 ㎡, underground layer for the parking garage, warehouse, for the underground layer for office space on the ground. The design scope: water supply system, fire hydrant system, sprinkler system, drainage system. Indoor water supply system with upside down to type vertical is divided into three areas water supply;Underground garage on the second floor of irrigation area by low frequency conversion equipment supply recently (forward directly by the municipal water supply). The ground system in three districts, 1 f ~ 8 f low area, directly by the area of low pressure water supply equipment supply, 9 f ~ 16 f for the central district, the area of high pressure water supply equipment supply after decompression, 17 f ~ 21 f high area, supply directly by the area of high


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