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毕业设计(论文) 低功耗超声波热量表的设计 院 别 专 班级姓名 指导教师 2012年6月15日 超声波低功耗热量表 摘要 Ultrasonic low power consumption heat meter Abstract Non-contact ultrasonic heat meter can achieve accurate measurement, non-contact flow measurement, instrumentation cost essentially nothing to do with the measured pipe diameter size and measurement results from water quality impacts, can be made ??of non-contact measuring instruments and portable, it can solve other types meters are difficult to measure corrosive, non-conductive, radioactive and explosive media flow measurement problems, such as water, heat, etc. has been widely used in the measurement. This design method for urban residential household ultrasonic heat meter, master chip power microcontroller MSP430 series, dedicated traffic flow detection using ultrasonic transceiver chip TDC-GP2 chip detection, external ultrasonic transmitter and receiver probe, along countercurrent flow with ultrasonic transceiver; basis by measuring the time difference difference method, draw heat carrier flow; further extend the corresponding interface circuit via microcontroller, programmable convection speed processing to achieve traffic acquisition and processing. Inlet and return pipe installation platinum resistance temperature sensor by measuring the water and return water temperature difference and the flow, according to the K-factor method or the enthalpy difference method to calculate the heat. Finally, the use of M-Bus data bus transceiver to achieve heat, etc., and then the heat through the lcd display on the screen. Keyword:ultrasonic wave,low power,MSP430,TDC-GP2. 目 录 摘要 I III 1绪论 1 1.1 课题研究的意义背景,国内外研究现状及研究方法 1 1.1.1 研究的背景与意义 1 1.1.2 国内外发展现状 2 1.1.3 课题的研究内容 5 2 流量 温度 热量测量 6 2.1功能要求 6 2.2系统构成 6 2.3设计要求 7 2.4流量测量 7 2.4.1时差法超声波流量测量的基本原理 7 2.4.2时差法超声波流量测量的特点 10 2.4.3影响时差法测量精度的主要因素 11 2.5超声波传播时间测量的实现 11 2.5.1 TDC-GP2简介 11 2.5.2 TDC-


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