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批一批 晒一晒 Homework 基础性:Write a favorite place you have been to 写一下你去过的有趣的地方 拓展性:英语手抄报 1.中国最美景区或者我最想去旅游的国家 2.小组合作 * * * * * Learning objective: 1.学会从几个角度描写家乡或旅行过的某 个地方 2.培养正确的价值观,树立积极的生活态度 Singapore Singapore population language food places weather Singapore is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday! 总: 分: location Singapore---A Place You Will Never Forget! in the…part of... On the one hand......on the other hand...... Have you ever been to......? If you do, you can ...... Have you ever tried......? One great thing is that the weather here is...... You can choose to go whenever you like location Population Language Places Food Weather has a population of You can also visit...... There are many kinds of foods. travel population history/language location(位置) people food places transportation(交通) weather There are always fun and exciting things waiting for you! Have you ever been to……? Its a good place to take a holiday! 总: 分: 总: 仿写 请以“Have you ever been to Weihai?”为题,介绍一下威海 山东省东部 east of Shandong Province many kinds of seafoods 各种海产品 Liugongdao 刘公岛 Chengshantou 成山头 Swan Lake 天鹅湖 beach /sunshine Have you ever been to Weihai? It’s in the _______ part of ________________. For ________________, it’s a ________ place to ____________. You can go to the seaside.There you can lie on _________ and enjoy ________; You can also visit ___________, Swan Lake and Chengshantou. One great thing is that there are _____________ seafoods here. They are wonderful and _________. The weather is neither(既不) ____ nor(也不)_____, You can go whenever you like. All in all, the people are _______.If you go to Weihai, there will be ___________waiting for you! eastern Shandong Province thousands of tourists wonderful take a holiday the beach sunshine Liugongdao many kinds of delicious cold hot friendly excitin


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