
Anxiety Disorders University of Iowa儿童焦虑障碍爱荷华大学课件.ppt

Anxiety Disorders University of Iowa儿童焦虑障碍爱荷华大学课件.ppt

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Anxiety Disorders University of Iowa儿童焦虑障碍爱荷华大学课件

10-27-04 Questions Handouts Childhood Anxiety Disorders History Descriptions, Definitions, and Diagnostic Indicators Prevalence Etiology Comorbidity Prevention and Intervention The Future Cases Childhood Anxiety Disorders Underreported and Underdiagnosed Or Overlooked and Misjudged Childhood Anxiety Disorders What Are They? Anxiety disorders widely recognized as among the most common disorders affecting children and adolescents. Commonly present as part of a complex picture. Not well understood in children and adolescents. Childhood Anxiety Disorders History Almost 100 years of case studies of childhood fears; “Little Hans” (1909), “Albert”(1920), “Peter”(1924). However, prior to DSM-III (1980),fears and anxiety reactions in children ignored in classification systems. Subclinical fears studied as part of normative development. Childhood Anxiety Disorders Psychopathological phobic reactions appeared in DSM (1952) as psychoneurotic reactions. DSM-II (1968) changed to phobic neuroses and overanxious reaction was listed as a distinct diagnostic category for children. DSM-III(1980) and DSM-III-R (1987) first attempts to delineate developmentally appropriate criteria for phobias and other anxiety disorders in children/adolescents. Childhood Anxiety Disorders SAD, Avoidant disorder of childhood and adolescence, and OAD listed as three distinct anxiety disorders in childhood. Thus a child could be diagnosed with one of these three types of anxiety disorders plus adult anxiety disorders. DSM-IV (1994) Avoidant Disorder and OAD deleted with only SAD retained as a child or adolescent anxiety disorder. Childhood Anxiety Disorders In DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR, the following diagnoses could be made for children and adolescents: SAD. GAD, OCD, agoraphobia, panic disorder, specific phobias, social phobia, PTSD, acute distress disorder, and anxiety states due to medical disorder or substance abuse. SAD=“excessive anxiety or fear concerning separation from home or from those to w


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