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川崎病 Kawasaki Disease 西安交大医学学第一附院儿科 刘志刚 Background Review (背景回顾) In 1967 Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki first described the disease, Acute febrile Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, later popularly known as Kawasaki Disease (KD,川崎病). It is a self-limited multisystem vasculitic disease of infants and young children. It is the leading cause of the acquired heart disease in the developed countries, mostly affecting coronary artery (CA, 冠脉) leading to coronary artery lesions (CAL,冠脉损害). Early use of IVIG has reduced the occurrence of CAL significantly. Background Review (背景回顾) This picture signifies that the timely detection of the Kawasaki disease is the most crucial point to determine the outcome of KD. KD is diagnosed on purely clinical basis, the criteria given by Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki is the key to diagnose this disease. Cases of Kawasaki disease around the World Annual incidence rates of children 5yrs Worldwide: 3.4~100/100 000 Japan: 134.2/ 100,000 A report from urban medical centers in four Chinese provinces: 1.85~24.4/ 100,000 发病率 日本:10.1/10万 (1970年) 151.2/10万 (2002年) 美国:45.2/10万 (其中日本裔197.7/10万,白种人35.3/10万 2001年) 中国台湾:39/10万 (1997-2000年) 中国大陆: 北京:18.2/10万~30.6/10万(1995-1999年) 上海:16.8/10万~36.8/10万(1998-2002年) 广东:5.93/10万 (1995-1999年) 陕西:2.34/10万 (1993-1997年) 四川:4.26/10万~9.81/10万(1997-2001年) What is kawasaki disease?(概述) 川崎病(kawasaki disease,KD),曾称为皮肤粘膜淋巴结综合征(mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome,MCLS),是一种原因未明的血管炎综合征,婴幼儿高发, <5岁占80%以上,男:女为1.5:1。 临床特点为急性发热,皮肤粘膜病损和淋巴结肿大,多数自然康复,约15%~20%未经治疗的患儿发生冠状动脉损害。 川崎病的死亡率为0.2—0.3%。致死的原因有心肌梗塞,梗塞后出现心衰。 Etiology(病因学) The etiology of KD remains uncertain. Possible Etiology : Toxin secreting bacteria Virus Mycoplasma Environmental Factors Genetic traits (Over expressed in Asian) 病因 感染学说 : 基因易感性患儿在感染因素的作用下致病。 感染因子中以溶血性链球菌、葡萄球菌肠毒素类、EB病毒和反转录病毒研究较多。 从患儿咽部、淋巴结血中检出了溶血性链球菌,约有30%患儿溶血性链球菌多糖体抗体阳性,故推测与链球菌感染有关。 从川崎病人不同解剖部位分离出产生中毒性休克综合症毒素(TSST


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