2017-2018学年高中英语外研版必修2习题:Module 4 第1课时 Word版含解析.doc

2017-2018学年高中英语外研版必修2习题:Module 4 第1课时 Word版含解析.doc

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2017-2018学年高中英语外研版必修2习题:Module 4 第1课时 Word版含解析

Module 4  第一课时 Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式完成句子 adopt alive aim aspect delight imitate observe paint traditional unusual 1.She ________ the door a bright colour herself last Sunday. 2.The factory must ________ at developing new models of machines. 3.________ teaching methods sometimes only succeed in putting students off learning. 4.He has the most ________ smile, the kind you can only see on a childs face. 5.The Chinese athletes must ________ new techniques to make greater achievements after the 29th Olympic Games. 6.James can ________ his teachers speech perfectly. 7.It is ________ for him to get up so early. 8.The spy was caught ________, but he died from wounds the next day. 9.The scientists ________ the behavior of the mice after they were given the drug. 10.Climate and weather can affect every ________ of our lives. 答案:1.painted 2.aim 3.Traditional 4.delightful 5.adopt 6.imitate 7.unusual 8.alive 9.observed 10.aspect .根据所给汉语完成句子 1.看书你可能会疲劳,但你不应该厌烦。 You may ________ ________ ________ reading, but you shouldnt be tired of it. 2.他们最终采纳了我的建议。 They finally ________ ________ ________. 3.他立志要得一等奖。 He ________ ________ win the first prize. 4.我们认为他是一个诚实的人。 We ________ ________ ________ ________ an honest man. 5.上中学时他培养了对历史的兴趣。 He ________ ________ ________ ________ history when he was in middle school. 答案:1.be tired from/with 2.adopted my suggestion 3.aims to 4.consider him to be/consider that he is 5.developed an interest in Ⅲ.用适当的介词填空 1.The little boy left the room ________ all the lights on. 2.You shouldnt fill in the blank ________ a pencil,but ________ ink. 3.The country is known ________ its fine wine. 4.The old man developed an interest ________ the study of medicine. 5.Henry doesnt like Japanese food, but he is crazy ________ Chinese food. 6.On the wall hung an oil painting ________ Van Gogh. 答案:1.with 2.with;in 3.for 4.in 5.about 6.by .语法填空 1.With the population ________(increase) rapidly, there is a great need to find new resources. 答案:increasing 句意:随着人口的急剧增长,很有必要找到新的资源。wit


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