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Part 3 巧妙衔接,流畅行文过渡 -2- 过渡1 过渡2 过渡3 过渡4 过渡5 过渡1:起始与顺序 ★起始关系:to begin with,first of all,as you know,as is known,as is shown in...,according to...等。 【秒杀】众所周知,语言是最重要的交流工具。     ★时间顺序:at the beginning,then,later,finally,at last,in the end,afterwards,since then,after that,immediately,meanwhile等。 【秒杀】首先我擦去所有家具上的灰尘,接着我把所有的散落在屋子里的东西收拾起来放好,然后拖了地。       As is known to us all,language is the most important means of communication. At the beginning,I wiped the dust off all the furniture.Then I collected all the things scattered in the rooms and put them in place.After that,I mopped the floor. -3- 过渡1 过渡2 过渡3 过渡4 过渡5 过渡2:并列与转折 ★并列关系:and,or,as well as,not only...but also...,either...or...,neither...nor...等。 【秒杀】我知道你很会拍照,并且一直想为环境保护做贡献。(2016·全国甲,书面表达)     ★转折关系:but,yet,however,while,otherwise,on the contrary,nevertheless等。 【秒杀】然而,我不太确定我所使用的语言和格式。(2016·全国乙,书面表达)     I know you take good pictures and you’ve always wanted to do something for environmental protection. However,I am not quite sure of the language and the format I’ve used. -4- 过渡1 过渡2 过渡3 过渡4 过渡5 过渡3:条件与因果 ★条件关系:if,unless,in case (of),as/so long as,on condition that,provided (that)等。 【秒杀】如果你想参加,就发送你的照片到intlphotoshow@。(2016·全国甲,书面表达)     ★因果关系:because,as,since,for,thanks to,due to,as a result of,so,therefore,as a result/consequence等。 【秒杀】因此,我们不必为结果而担心。     If you want to join,you can send your photos to intlphotoshow@. Therefore,there is no reason for us to be anxious about the result. -5- 过渡1 过渡2 过渡3 过渡4 过渡5 过渡4:列举与递进 ★列举事实:such as,for example/instance,take...for example,that is to say,as follows,in other words,on the one hand...on the other (hand)...,for one thing...for another...等。 【秒杀】一方面,我能通过做这样的事赚些钱来帮助父母;另一方面,我能从中获得一些经验。       On the one hand,I can earn some money by doing it to help my parents.On the other hand,I can gain some experience from it. -6- 过渡1 过渡2 过渡3 过渡4 过渡5 ★递进关系:besides,what’s more,moreover,furthermore,what’s worse,still less,to make matters worse,worse still,more importantly等。 【秒杀1】他们中的很多人几乎不能照顾自己


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