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病例对照研究 Case control study 1、如何确认某暴露(E)和某疾病(D)之间是否存在 病因关系?如何设计? 2、如何探索胃癌的病因或危险因素?如何设计? 3、如何通过流行病学研究设计探索某基因多态性和 胃癌的关系? 4、如何评价暴露(E)和疾病(D)之间的联系强度? 讲课提纲 流行病学病因研究的一般思路 Case control study Cohort study 分析性研究 Analytic Study 设计原理 目标人群 1、分析性研究,属观察法 2、回顾性研究 3、时间顺序:从“果”→“因” 4、通常不能够确证因果关联 特点 历史 In 1843, Guy compared occupations of men with pulmonary consumption to those of men with other diseases (Lilienfeld and Lilienfeld 1979). Case-control studies identified associations between lip cancer and pipe smoking (Broders 1920), breast cancer and reproductive history (Lane-Claypon 1926) and between oral cancer and pipe smoking (Lombard and Doering 1928). All rare diseases. Case-control studies identified an association between smoking and lung cancer in the 1950’s. 病例和对照不匹配 病例与对照匹配 病例对照研究的设计类型 病例与对照不匹配 病例组 对照组 = 样本人群 病例与对照匹配:频数匹配 某些特征 样本人群 病例与对照匹配:1:1匹配 某些特征 配对 (pair matching) 样本人群 病例与对照匹配:1:R匹配 1:2, 1:3 …1:R 样本人群 病例与对照匹配的因素 混杂因素 (已知、可疑) 复合因素:年龄 + 性别 不能匹配的因素 病例与对照匹配的目的 提高研究(统计)效率。 研究效率=2R/(R+1) 控制混杂因素的混杂作用。 匹配带来的问题 增加工作难度(费用、时间) 限制样本量 匹配因素将无法再进行分析 匹配过头 (overmatching) 损害统计效率 损害真实性 损害费用效益 巢式病例对照研究(nested case control study) 病例-队列研究(case-cohort study ) 病例交叉设计(case-crossover design) 单纯病例研究(case only study or case series study) 病例-时间-对照设计(case-time-control design) 病例对照研究的衍生类型 研究实例 Herbst AL, et al. NEJM 1971;284(16):787-881. Adenocarcinoma of the vagina: association of maternal stilbestrol therapy with tumor appearance in young women. 年青女性阴道腺癌与母亲服妊娠期用己烯雌酚的关系 Objectives To determine the factors responsible for the unusual occurrence of a rare tumor (vaginal adenocarcinoma) among 8 young women born between 1946 and 1951. Methods For each of these 8 cases, 4 matched controls (those who did not have vaginal adenocarcinoma) were selected by examination of the birth records of the hospitals in which each patient was born. Females born within five days and on the same type of service (ward or private) as the eight cases were identified. The mothers of all these wo



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