东南大学软件学院 读写教程(研究生教材)教学参考.doc

东南大学软件学院 读写教程(研究生教材)教学参考.doc

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东南大学软件学院 读写教程(研究生教材)教学参考

ewriting14 123456 www.blog.163/ewriting14 参 考 答 案 Unit One Part I Comprehension c b d a c    d b a d c Part II A. b c a c d a c b d a c d b a b d a b B. b d d b c a c b a c d a a a b a c b c a d c a Part III a d c b a    c a b b d Part V A. Cake consists of flour, sugar, egg and some other ingredients. The captain of the ship calmly/tranquilly assured the passengers that there was no danger. The area can easily be worked out if you know the length and the breadth. Width It is doubtful whether the proposal will find/obtain/win/receive/gain general acceptance. I reflected on what he had said to me and found it made some sense. The ambassador personally conveyed the president’s message to the premier. The police are trying to find out the identity of the man killed in the accident. On a stormy night the guerrillas made a secret breakthrough to the enemy-occupied area. The news commentator analyzed the current international situation with clarity. The peasants supply the workers with food, and the workers in turn supply the peasants with manufactured goods. B. The only hope that I can imagine, and it is certainly a very fragile one, is that we all agree to believe whatever we wish and to worship as we choose, we will accept every human to be as human as we are, worthy of the same respect and care. Mankind is of a piece biologically, physiologically, and psychologically in that we all need love, peace, security, food, clothing and shelter; we must all sleep, reproduce the species and we do it the same way with the same result. In the mirror you could see me and I could see you, but our cultures have taught us to notice differences in color, speech, clothing, food, marriage, beliefs in their own distinctive way and that sets us apart. C. 我们都信仰某物或某人。我们必须信仰,正如我们必须吃饭、睡觉和繁衍后代一样。人类信仰众神与魔鬼、巫术与人间奇迹、真理与谎言、爱与恨、同一与差异,并对这些众多信仰有着永无止境的需求和无法抗拒的吸引力。科学家们为了他们的信仰而被处死,因为他们或者认为地球是圆的;或者认为存在着一种看不见的被称为重力的自然力;或者认为地球并非宇宙的中心,而太阳也并不围绕着地球转;或者认为血液在人体内是循环流动的;或者认为人类是从低级的生命形式进化


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