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Unit 2 Social Problems Part 1. Pre-reading task Discussion: 1. What social problems have been revealed according to the passage? 2. What other social problems do you think exist in China? 3. In your point of view, what should our government do in order to narrow the gap between rich and poor? Social Problems Lay-offs 失业,下岗 Juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪 Corruption 腐败,贪污 Bribe 行贿 High divorce rate Mental problems AIDS …… Part 2: Listening in task Discussion: 1. What crimes do you know? 2. What do you think rank the highest in China? Crimes Armed robbery 持械抢劫 Rape 强奸 Hijack 劫机 Kidnap 绑架 Computer crime 电脑犯罪 Murder 谋杀 Economic crime Racketeering 敲诈勒索,诈骗 Drug traffic 毒品交易,贩卖毒品 Smuggle 走私 Listening Task One Smuggling Listen to the passage and answer the questions and then fill in the blanks with the information you hear. smuggle v. 走私 crossing n.口岸 suspicious adj.怀疑的 analyze vt. 分析 分解 Answer: A young man comes to the border on___his bicycle__ with two large bags ___over_ his shoulders. The border guard is __suspicious___ of the sandbags. He __checks___the contents and has the sand __analyzed__, but he can find ___nothing_but pure sand. So the young man is allowed to _ride__ across_the border. When the young man appears a second time the next __week_, the guard, still suspicious, does a __thorough examination_, but still he can find nothing __but sand__ . This _happens_ every week for three years until the young man no longer _appears__ at the border crossing. Many months later the guard meets the young man in an expensive café. He asks him, “ Just___between_ you and me, what were you _smuggling_ for three years?” The young man answers, “ _bicycles_.” Listening Task Two: Bye-bye, bully! Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. Bye- bye


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