Compensation for Pollution Damage In A Transnationl Oil Spill在一个跨国溢油污染损害赔偿.docVIP

Compensation for Pollution Damage In A Transnationl Oil Spill在一个跨国溢油污染损害赔偿.doc

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Compensation for Pollution Damage In A Transnationl Oil Spill在一个跨国溢油污染损害赔偿

Compensation for Pollution Damage In A Transnational Oil Spill Introduction The Evoikos accident raises interesting issues of application of the CLC and Fund Conventions because it was a transnational oil spill - an incident occurring in the territory of country A, but which caused or threatened pollution damage not only in country A, but also in neighboring countries B and C. In such a situation, different legal systems are involved. If, as a result of a single incident, pollution damage occurs in country A which is party to CLC 69, in country B which is party to CLC 69 and FC 71, and country C which is not party to either of these Conventions, different legal systems apply for compensating damage claims. The situation can give rise to different complications, if four Conventions, not just two, are involved, ie the intial CLC/FC and the revised CLC/FC. Because of the relationships between the Conventions (as laid down in the Conventions themselves), the way claims will be dealt with is not at all straightforward. It is the application of the Conventions in these complex situations which is the subject of my presentation today. For addressing this issue, we need first of all to examine certain keywords such as pollution damage and preventive measures, since the Conventions apply exclusively to pollution damage caused on the territory including the territorial sea of a Contracting State and to preventive measures taken to prevent or minimize such damage. It is important to note that the definitions of these keywords are intentionally made the same in CLC and FC, for the sake of their consistent application: Under the intial CLC and FC pollution damage is defined as loss or damage caused outside the ship carrying oil by contamination resulting from the escape or discharge of oil from the ship, wherever such escape or discharge may occur, and includes the costs of preventive measures and further loss or damage caused by preventive measures. Preventive measures is def



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