招商银行汽车联名卡自驾意外伤害保险服务手册(China Merchants Bank car joint card car accident insurance service manual).docVIP

招商银行汽车联名卡自驾意外伤害保险服务手册(China Merchants Bank car joint card car accident insurance service manual).doc

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招商银行汽车联名卡自驾意外伤害保险服务手册(China Merchants Bank car joint card car accident insurance service manual).doc

招商银行汽车联名卡自驾意外伤害保险服务手册(China Merchants Bank car joint card car accident insurance service manual) China Merchants Bank Co branded card self driving accident insurance service manual As soon as you apply for and open the designated automobile joint card of China Merchants Bank, you can enjoy the self driving accidental injury insurance sent by the China Merchants Bank credit card center. This service manual will detail your insurance interests, insurance and other related matters, please refer to. First, insurance way When you apply for the automobile joint card designated by the China Merchants Bank, when you sign the application and the back of the card, it is deemed that you have received the gift from the bank. As long as you open the credit card, you can get the free driving accident insurance provided by this behavior. Two, insurance service object China Merchants Bank designated automobile joint Card Cardholder (age not more than 60 years old). Three, insurance amount RMB100000.00/ people Four. Insurance expenses This insurance is a service provided by China Merchants Bank to the designated automobile joint Card Cardholder. The premium is paid by the China Merchants Bank to the insurance company, and you dont need to pay any additional fees. Five, insurance period Insurance period: the insurance from the designated car Handbook 24:00 on the effect of joint kakaika. Insurance term: subject to the announcement or notice of the China Merchants bank. Six, insurer Between April 1, 201021 and March 31, 201143: Huatai Property Insurance Limited by Share Ltd Shanghai branch reported telephone number 4006095509 From April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012: Huaan property insurance Limited by Share Ltd Shanghai branch reported telephone 95556 Seven, insurance liability In case of death or disability caused by road traffic accident in the course of driving designated motor vehicle, the insurer shall pay the insured or his beneficiary the insurance money in accordance with the fol


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