In addition to decoration furniture, ten kinds of peculiar smell(除装修家具异味方法十种).docVIP

In addition to decoration furniture, ten kinds of peculiar smell(除装修家具异味方法十种).doc

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In addition to decoration furniture, ten kinds of peculiar smell(除装修家具异味方法十种).doc

In addition to decoration furniture, ten kinds of peculiar smell(除装修家具异味方法十种) In addition to decoration furniture, ten kinds of peculiar smell Method one 1. properly open a window that does not directly dry the top of the wall for ventilation; 2. with the basin, or a small bucket like container played in cold water, then add the appropriate amount of vinegar on the ventilation room, and open the door furniture. In this way, the water can be evaporated in proper amount to protect the wall top and the coating surface, and the residual odor can be absorbed and eliminated; 3., if the economic conditions permit, you can buy some pineapple, put a few in each room, a large room, you can put more. Because pineapple is a crude fiber like fruit, it can absorb the paint flavor, but also to achieve the sweet smell of pineapple, to speed up the removal of odor, has played the best of both worlds. Method two Room odor removal How to clean up the living room residual odor? Decorate the bedroom can not be admitted at once, to maximize ventilation casual flavor, but not all the doors and windows open for ventilation, because it might give just completed the construction of the top of the wall paint adverse to the top of the wall, rapid drying, prone to cracks, damaged appearance. To quickly remove the residual paint, citric acid soaked cotton balls, hanging indoors and wooden furniture, but this is too much trouble. Method three X Guangxi channel 5 August Xinhua (reporter Huang Ji) if you buy a new car, a new house, you will encounter more or less such problems: the pungent taste from the chemical material car seat leather and heavy taste of home decoration brings, it is difficult to remove, no matter how much air freshener odor nuisance to you still long time private space. Reporters found in the fruit of the town of Guangxi, Nanning, many people use tropical fruits to remove odor, the effect Well, the cost is low and the method is simple. Nanning Kang Fu taxi company Li master rec


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