如何写好调查报告和论文 学会写论文的基本要领.ppt

如何写好调查报告和论文 学会写论文的基本要领.ppt

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如何写好调查报告和论文 学会写论文的基本要领

如何写好调查报告和论文 欧阳护华(博士) 广东外语外贸大学英文学院 外国语言学与应用语言学中心 学会写论文的基本要领 天真和怀疑的英语读者 逻辑与证据诉求 演绎、推理结构 作者负责原则 反修辞的简明 具体化 学会写论文的基本要领 段落发展、篇章连贯 定义 证据介绍和分析 批评性文献评估与引证 意义和不足的讨论 总结和结论 编辑和修改 Criteria for and characteristics of good academic writing Arguable Focused Specific Clear/Explicit Critical Indigenous Valid and reliable Reader friendly Bewaring the typical “Chinese students’ errors” Ethical appeal and emotional appeal overuse Subjectivity over objectivity Missing of the author’s identity or ‘I’ statement Sweeping/over general statements Vague and implicit referring Juxtaposition of quotation/data Logical jumps or fallacy Inductive organization Writer-centered expression Lack of critical thinking How to be specific and focused Specifying your readers Specifying your purpose Narrowing down a topic by asking specific questions of where, when, what, who, whom, why, how, to what extent, in what sense, from what perspective Working on feasibility Try it with a pilot study Careful and sufficient outlining and planning before doing it Selecting the best economical way Try to use the trust and networking Enough is enough in data collection Playing with the best examples Deductive (General to Specific) order of information distribution Topic sentence Paraphrase, defining, or contextualizing Exemplification 1 Exemplification 2 or 3 Graphic data illustration Elaboration of the relevance hidden Extension/summary Criteria of evaluating your evidences Relevance Sufficiency Representativeness Reliability Accuracy Authoritiveness Updatedness Contextualizedness Citing literature Others’ work as your evidence Avoiding plagiarism The more the better Using summaries Using paraphrases Using directly and indirectly quotations Using in-text citation note Using reference list Introducing and explaining your research Background/context Establishing the needs for the research Introducing the research questions Explaining the conceptual framework Introducing the methodology and data collection Being f


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