酒店实务英语Module 3 Food and Bevrage.ppt

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酒店实务英语Module 3 Food and Bevrage

Task 1 Serving Drinks Task 2 Chatting with Guests Part 5 Bar Services Task 1 Serving Drinks *Sample conversation B=Bartender G=Guest B: Good evening, sir. What may I offer you? G1: Good evening, I’ll have a Scotch. B: How would you like it, straight up or on the rock? G1: With iced water, not with ice. Ice will spoil the tastes. B: Very good. How about you, sir? G2: I’m suffering from a cold. I want something bitter strong before I have a sound sleep. B: All right. In that case I’d like to recommend rum swizzle. G2: And how is it made? B: It’s made from several liqueurs. Each liqueur has a different weight and one can sit on the top of the other. I’ll also put bitters to make it pink. G2: That sounds really wonderful. B: Anything else? G1: Yes. We want some beer. B: Bottled or draught. G2: Let’s try the draught. B: Fine. G1: Could we have some snacks? B: Certainly, I’ll get a fresh supply. G1: How much should I pay for it? B: The total is 180 Yuan. G1: Here is the money and keep the change. B: Thank you. Questions about the conversation A. How does the G1 like his Scotch? With iced water. B. What drink does the G2 get at last? Rum swizzle *Activities 2. Listening practice B: What can I get for you? G: Can we have the beverage list first? B: Sure, here you are. Take your time. G: Thank you. We’d like something sweet to drink. Could you recommend something? B: Do you have any preference? Alcoholic? Nonalcoholic? Or soft drinks? G: We’d prefer cocktails. Do you have anything with a fruity flavor, not too sharp? B: How about a blue Hawaii? Most ladies like its fruity taste and beautiful color. G: Well--- a blue Hawaii for my friend. I’d like a draft beer. B: All right. Do you want some snacks with the drinks? G: How about some popcorn and peanuts? Please also bring us some ice, thanks. B: Ok, your drinks and snacks will be ready in a moment. What can I get for you? Take your time. Do you


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