酒店英语学习情境一前厅服务英语1 Checking Out.pptVIP

酒店英语学习情境一前厅服务英语1 Checking Out.ppt

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酒店英语学习情境一前厅服务英语1 Checking Out

学习情境一:前厅服务英语 学习任务: 结帐退店 Name : Kate Job: Cashier Responsibility: To help check out and settle the bill for guests. Contents Learning Objectives 学习目标 Working Procedures 工作程序 Ask the guest for his/her room number 询问宾客房间号 Check if the total is correct 检查总额是否正确 Ask if there were any charges made recently 询问最近是否有消费 Print and present the invoice to the guest 打印并将账单交给宾客 Help the guest settle the payment 帮助宾客结帐 Present the receipt to the guest 把收据交给宾客 Thank the guest for staying at the hotel 感谢宾客入住酒店 Working Knowledge 工作知识(1) 1. The main duties of the cashier. Working Knowledge 工作知识(2) 2. Some abbreviations on the bills Working Knowledge 工作知识(3) 3. The following is a chart showing the components of a hotel bill. Hotel Task 酒店任务 Suppose you are Kate, now you’re going to help the guest check out. Please perform the task according to the hints below with your partner. Words to know bill n. 帐单 key card 房卡 deposit n. 押金 invoice n. 发票 receipt n. 收据 change n. 零钱 include vt. 包括 draw up 结帐 total n. vt.总数 service charge 服务费 cashier n. 收银员 extra charge 附加费用 American Express (AE/AX) 美国运通卡 Master Card (MC) 万事达卡 Federal Card 联邦卡 Visa (VS) 维萨卡 Useful expressions 1. Settling the bill 结账 (1) I will calculate/draw up your bill for you. (2) Shall I explain some items for you? (3) “L” stands for laundry, and “T” means telephone call charge. (4) If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you. (5) Here is your change and receipt/invoice. Useful expressions 2. Exchanging Foreign currency 外币兑换 (1) I’d like to change these US dollars into RMB. (2) The exchange rate of US Dollar to RMB is …, that will give you RMB… (3) Would you like it in small or large bills? (4) You may go to the Bank


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