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Qi Baishi (1863-1957), one of China’s greatest painters, followed the traditional Chinese style of painting. 齐白石,原名纯芝,字谓清、兰亭,湖南湘潭人,长期侨居北京。曾担任中央美术学院名誉教授、中国美术家协会主席、中央文史馆研究馆员、北京中国画研究会主席、北京中国画院名誉院长,第一届全国人大代表。1953年中央文化部授予“人民艺 术家”称号。1955年德意志民主共和国艺术科学院授予“通讯院士”荣誉状。1956年获世界和平理事会1955年度国际和平奖金。1957年,担任北京中国画院名誉院长。1963年被世界和平理事会推举为世界文化名人之一。有《白石诗草》、《白石印草》、《齐白石作品选集》、《齐白石作品集》、《齐白石山水画选》等问世。 Artist: Name: Xu Beihong A Five running horses B Five lovely horses C Six running horses D Six crazy horses 六骏图 成名作;田横五百士 Xu Beihong(1895-1953) was one of China’s best–known twentieth-century artists. He believed that artists should show reality, but not just imitate it. He is famous for his lively paintings of horses. 徐悲鸿(1895-1953),是兼采中西艺术之长的现代绘画大师,美术教育家。徐悲鸿擅长中国画,油画,尤精素描。他的画作满含激情,技巧极高。著名油画有《溪我后》,《田横五百士》,国画有《九方皋》,《愚公移山》,《会师东京》等。最能反映徐悲鸿个性,表达他思想感情的莫过於他写马的画卷。他创作坚持“师法造化,寻求真理”的原则。 对马的肌肉,骨骼以及神情动态,作过长期的观察研究,画了数以千计的速写。所以他画的马图笔墨酣畅,奔放处不狂狷,精微处不琐屑,筋强骨壮,气势磅礴,形神俱足。另有一些人物,狮,猫等题材作品,也是质优量大。他的绘画 Match paintings 1-4 with descriptions in paragraphs A-D Read paragraphs A-F again and choose the correct answer 1. The Cubist art movement___________________. (a) showed different sides of an object in the same picture (b) is considered to be the greatest art movement of the twentieth century 2. Pop art ____________. (a) advertised the twentieth-century life (b) tried to show ordinary life in the modern world 3. Qi Baishi __________. (a) painted in a very unusual way (b) was a very traditional Chinese artist 4. Xu Beihong _________. (a) wanted to do more than imitate reality (b) tried to paint horses 5. Wu Hang _________ the picture of a golden-haired girl. (a) loves (b) dislikes 6. Sarah Hardwick thinks that _________. (a) a Chinese artist painted picture 3 (b) Pablo Picasso painted picture 3 Any questions? Detailed Reading Name Nationa- lity Achievements Characteristics Pablo Picasso Roy Lichten-stein Qi


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