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2009年普通高等学校招生I open the window to let in some fresh air ? —___________ A. Come on B. Take care C. Go ahead! D. Hold on! 2. He told us whether _________ a picnic was still under discussion A. to have B. having C. have D. had 3. I like this house with a beautiful garden in front , but I don’t have enough money to buy__________. A. one B. it C. this D. that 4. Ladies and gentlemen, please remain __________ until the plane has come to a complete stop. A. seated B. seating C. to seat D. seat 5.桯ave you __________ ? 桸o. I had the wrong number. A. got in B. got away C. got off D. got through 6. A great person is always putting others’ interests _________ his own. A. below B. above C. in D. on 7. News came from the school office ________Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University. A. which B. what C. that D. where 8. 桯ow about your journey to Mount Emei ? 桬verything was wonderful except that our car _________ twice on the way . A. slowed down B. broke down C. got down D. put down 9. 梂ould you please help me with the box ? 梍________ A. Yes , please B. No , please don’t C. With pleasure D. My pleasure 10. ________ many times , he finally understood it. A. Told B. Telling C. Having told D. Having been told 11. ?I wonder ________ you’ll water this kind of flower . 棗Every other day. A. how often B. how long C. how soon D. how much 12 . Owen wouldn’t eat anything ____________ he cooked it himself A. until B. since C. unless D. while 13 . 桰 donu’t care what people think . 梂ell , you _______  A. could B. would C. should D. might 14 . In order to find _______ better job,he decided to study _________ second foreign language . A. the ; a B. a ; a C. the ; the D. a ; the 15 . —Why don’t we choose that road to save time ? —The bridge to it __________ . A. has repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. will


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