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* 反应 响应模式 作者以一个GetCapabilities请求的响应模式是规范性定义使用XML附件A.4节。 能力文件 文件的能力是由四个主要部分: 1.服务节 该服务节提供有关服务本身的信息。 2.功能部分 该部分指定功能的要求WFS能够处理列表。两类网络服务功能的基础上,他们支持的能力,是定义在概述 * 3. FeatureType list This section defines the list of feature types (and operations on each feature type) that are available from a web feature service. Additional information, such as SRS, about each feature type is also provided. 4. Filter capabilities section The schema of the Filter Capabilities Section is defined in the Filter Encoding Implementation Specification [3]. This is an optional section. If it exists, then the WFS should support the operations advertised therein. If the Filter Capabilities Section is not defined, then the client should assume that the server only supports he minimum default set of filter operators as defined in the Filter Encoding Implementation Specification [3]. The version attribute specifies the specification revision to which this schema applies. * 3. FeatureType名单 本节定义了每个功能的功能型类型(和业务清单)这可以从网络功能的服务。其他信息,如SRS的,还提供有关每个功能类型。 ? 4. 过滤功能部分 该过滤器的能力组模式是指在筛选编码实施规范[3]。这是一个可选部分。如果它存在,那么WFS应支持其中的业务广告。如果筛选功能科没有定义,然后在客户端应假定服务器仅支持默认设置的最低运营商的过滤器在过滤器编码定义实施规范[3]。 ? * Service section elements * Capabilities Section The capabilities section is used to specifically define the list of WFS operations that a particular WFS implements. A basic WFS would include the GetCapabilities, DescribeFeatureType and the GetFeature operations. A transactional WFS would also include the Transaction operation, possibly the LockFeature operation and/or the GetFeatureWithLock operation. The specific capabilities implemented by a WFS are denoted by the following elements: Table 4 – Web feature service operations FeatureTypeList section The purpose of the FeatureTypeList element is to contain a list of feature types that a WFS can service and define the transaction and query elements that are supported on each feature type. The possible transact


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