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回转体零件创成式capp系统的研发与开发 摘 要 以回转体类零件为例,通过分析零件的加工方法、工序的划分、工序的确定以及与传统工序的衔接等问题,确定了回转体类零件的数控加工工艺路线;又依据粗、精加工进给路线的不同确定原则,确定了每道工序的进给路线,以工序20粗车外轮廓、工序60粗车凹面、半精车锥面、精车凹圆弧面为例,计算出特征点的具体坐标,为后续数控程序的精确编制打下了数据基础。 在CAPP 的各个环节中,从CAD 读取信息到工艺文件生成都至关重要。其中,工艺文件的创成这一环节涉及很多方面..加工方法的确定、加工顺序的确定、工艺尺寸链的计算、刀具和量具的选择、机床的选择、夹具的确定以及毛坯的设计。对于一个成功的CAPP 系统来说,完善以上诸多方面是非常重要的。本文通过一个实用加工链生成及再组合方法成功地实现回转体零件的工艺生成。 关键词:回转体零件 工艺设计 工程机械制造 CAPP Abstract To axially symmetrical parts as an example, through the analysis of the parts of the division processing method, process, procedure and determination of the traditional process of cohesion and problem, determine the axially symmetrical parts CNC processing technology route; And according to route into thick, finishing the different determination principle, make sure the each procedure in the route to process the car outline, 20 thick process coarse car dent, 60 half fine car and fine surface car concave arc surface, for example, calculates the feature points specific coordinates, nc program for the follow-up of the accurate laid the data base. In the links of CAPP, to read information from CAD file generation process is very important. Among them, the process of documents and into this one involves many aspects link... Processing methods determination, processing order of determination, process dimension chain of calculation, the choice of cutting tools and measuring tools, machine tool selection, fixture and the design of the determination of the blank. For a successful CAPP system for, perfect in many aspects above is very important. In this article, through a practical processing chain generating and combination method to achieve success again axially symmetrical parts of the process is generated. Keywords: axially symmetrical parts process design engineering machinery manufacturing CAPP 目 录 摘 要 1 Abstract 2 1、绪论 4 1.1 CAPP的定义 4 1.2 CAPP的发展 5 二、工程机械相关理论 6 2.1工程机械加工工艺的基本知识 6 2.2 机械工程箱 6 2.3 回转体零件结构工艺性要求 11 2.4 回转体零件定位基准的选择 11 2.5进给路线的确定 13 3、基于CAPP技术的回转体零件实例


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