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 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 14 Unit 9 词汇篇 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 学生通过本讲学习,能够掌握本单元的重点词汇句型,并在综合能力上有一定的拓展。 1. Encourage: 鼓励 Encourage sb to do sth:鼓励某人去做某事 2. A couple of Couple: 夫妻; a couple of:两个,一对,几个 3. On the one hand… on the other hand:一方面。。。另一方面 4. All the year round:整年 5. Mostly:主要的,通常 6. Whether:是否 7. another, other, the other, others, the others Another: adj.另一个,三者或三者以上不确定的另一个,后面加可数名词的单数形式,固定搭配one… another Other: adj. 1. 泛指其他的,后面加可数名词的复数形式,如other students; The other: adj. 特指其他的,后面可数名词的复数形式,如there are 32 students in the class. 19 of them are girls, and the other students are boys. 2. 表示两者中的另一个,后加可数名词的单数形式,名词可省略,句型为one…the other(one) Others: 名词。 Others=other+相应名词复数 The others:名词。The others=the other+相应名词复数  another the other other others  the others1. He has two daughters. One is a teacher, ? is a nurse. 2. They study math, Chinese,history and ? subjects. 3. There are forty five students in her class. Twenty of them are boys, and ? are girls. 4. This pen is too expensive. Please show me ?. 5. He is always ready to help ?. 6. I have three foreign friends. One is from America, ? two are from England. 7. Some are cleaning the windows, ? are sweeping the floor. 解析: 1. 因为前提是two,所以是句型one…the other, 故答案为the other. 2. 句意为他们学习数学,语文,历史和其他的科目,这里其他的需要形容词,同时表示泛指,故答案为other。 3. 本题表示特指,同时需要的是名词,故答案为:the others。 4. 句意为请给我看另外一只笔,为不确定的另一个,故答案为another。 5. 句意为他总是乐意帮助其他的人,此处需要名词,并为泛指,故答案为others。 6. 此题需要形容词,并且为特指,故答案为the other。 7. 此处需要名词,并且为泛指,故为others。 基础演练 1. Its a ?(Japan) bike. 2. Mr. Wang seems ?(be) very angry when Jim is late again. 3. She had some problems ?(finish) the work on time. 4. Every day, Mrs. Smith has much housework ?(do). 5. Jenny practices


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