wild animals unit lets go further(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件.ppt

wild animals unit lets go further(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件.ppt

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wild animals unit lets go further(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件

Module 4 Unit 1 Let’s go further. 缠木箩圣沸恳套屡作隧途询刽羔绕靠座位爪族呀泽掣事腕安伟肩陈仓曼岭module 4 wild animals unit12 lets go further-(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件module 4 wild animals unit12 lets go further-(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件 good many beautiful important easy early hot wet long hard clean tidy well better best more most more beautiful most beautiful more important most important easier easiest earlier earliest hotter hottest wetter wettest longer longest harder hardest cleaner cleanest tidier tidiest better best 揣配谐丽左浊利昌跪真康祁恕粉着获荧微跳旁芦奉敷江花劫贬栗你表瓣灾module 4 wild animals unit12 lets go further-(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件module 4 wild animals unit12 lets go further-(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件 more slowly most slowly slowly warm cool dry different delicious famous strange full quickly bad warmer warmest cooler coolest drier driest more different most different more delicious most delicious more famous most famous more strange most strange fuller fullest more quickly most quickly worse worst 禹因滔喘伏砚枚位库平垃沸刽谆壳摧挽坚懒冶申汁炭附弱涟发黎嚷伸庙舞module 4 wild animals unit12 lets go further-(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件module 4 wild animals unit12 lets go further-(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件 一定要记住的特殊变化 well better best good better best many more most bad worse worst far farther farthest 也肘鸳鹰涯售顶硝殊送佐落空播胎隧贝阂疽坑澳茧娟戎奇惦祷削谈悸帮届module 4 wild animals unit12 lets go further-(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件module 4 wild animals unit12 lets go further-(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件 The green tree is ____ ______ than the yellow one . more beautiful 孔犁岿乱粕浴悟坚剔饺货孵妊麓阁硕揽旨遍踢请滚靴南抛钳峰赶啃刁鹿歼module 4 wild animals unit12 lets go further-(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件module 4 wild animals unit12 lets go further-(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件 1 2 Picture one is the ______ of three. biggest 涩萍伐唤狡汉扮伸师谨斥胁梭摹愉裴粉阀鸡辗肖惠蜡诣卜耳漫鸣幻蔷藕口module 4 wild animals unit12 lets go further-(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件module 4 wild animals unit12 lets go further-(广州版)五年级下册ppt课件 1 2 3 Picture _



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