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意大利印象 地中海的阳光孕育了她? 健美的肌肤, 亚平宁半岛的山山水水 赋予了她开朗的性格, 美好的大自然馈赠给她无限的灵感, 于是,她高歌、奋笔...... 她,就是意大利!??????? 一、国家概况 (一)地理环境 要由靴子型的亚平宁半岛和两个位于地中海中的大岛西西里岛和萨丁岛组成。意大利在北方阿尔卑斯山地区与法国、瑞士、奥地利以及斯洛文尼亚接壤。其境内还有两个袖珍国——圣马力诺和梵蒂冈。 Italy occupies a peninsula. Bordered by France ,Switzerland,Austria and Slovenia The largest island is Sicily It includes a separate principalities: Vatican City and San Marino The Alps in the north and the Apennines in the centre Vesuvius, close to Naples, is the only active volcano on the European mainland Typical Mediterranean climate 主要旅游点 罗马Rome(Roma):the capital both of Italy and of the ancient Roman empire, centre of the Catholic Church (the Vatican) 米兰Milan(Milano): fashion capital of the world 威尼斯Venice(Venezia):built on a lagoon, filled with canals 佛罗伦萨Florence(Firenze):famous for history,art,achitecture,Uffizi gallery, Michelangelo 那不勒斯Naples(Napoli):with its famous gulf and Vesuvius volcano , Pompeii 比萨Pisa: location of the famous Leaning Tower 梵蒂冈Vatican City: the independent city-state and Seat of the Pope, head of the Roman Catholic Church (二)人文概况 1、文化艺术 意大利是世界文明古国,文艺复兴运动的发祥地,意大利文化具有特色,特别是文学艺术、建筑设计、雕塑绘画方面。 意大利建筑 意大利风格建筑风格是以古罗马中世纪建筑风格为代表,因其采用了卷、拱等式样而得名,主要特征为厚实的墙壁、窄小的窗口、半圆形的拱顶、逐层挑出的门框装饰和高大的塔楼,并大量使用砖石材料。罗马式建筑以教堂为主,外表轮廓分明,给人以庄严肃穆的神圣感觉。Known for architectural achievements,such as the construction of arches, domes during ancient Rome, the founding of the Renaissance architectural movement in the 14-16th century. the finest works : the Colosseum, the Milan Cathedral and Florence cathedral, the Leaning Tower of Pisa . 意大利艺术 16世纪是意大利文艺复兴的盛期,这一时期的标志性艺术是绘画、雕塑和建筑,而艺术方面的的代表则是达·芬奇、米开朗基罗和拉斐尔。文艺复兴时期的意大利美术在美术技法上的两大成就是透视法和渲染法。 Italian painting is traditionally characterized by a warmth of colour and light. It enjoyed excellence in Europe from the Romanesque and Gothic periods, and through the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Notable artists: Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Bernini, Titian and Raphael. 二、民俗风情 (一)社交礼仪 开朗、乐观、热情是意大利人的特点,但不拘泥、懒散、工作


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