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新技术计算机网络 论文翻译

Mobicom98 (c) 2000 Nitin Vaidya How to Read, Write, Present Papers 怎样阅读,书写,提交论文 Nitin H. Vaidya Texas AM University vaidya@ ? 2001 Nitin Vaidya Caveats说明 Statutory warning : Your advisor may not agree 法定警告:您的顾问可能不会同意 Only my opinions. Random thoughts, often in no particular order 这只是我的意见。随机的想法,往往在没有特定的顺序 Use advise at your own risk 使用提醒您自担风险 I do not necessarily follow the advise all the time 我不一定在所有的时间遵循以下的建议 Caveats 注意事项 This presentation ignores some of its suggestions 此演示文稿忽略它的一些建议 Could be a good example of a bad talk 关于一个不好的演讲可能是一个好的例子 Omissions 遗漏 References at the end of the talk provide many suggestions not included in this talk 在会谈后参考提供的许多建议但没有包括在这次讲座所提到的 Summary 总结 Use common sense 使用常识 Learn from experience 从经验中学习 Reading a Paper 阅读一篇论文 Why read papers 怎样阅读论文 So you know what’s happening 你要知道发生了什么 Avoid reinventing the wheel 避免做重复性的工作 does happen commonly, 确实发生了 too many wheels already许多重复已经存在 Find interesting research topics寻找有趣的研究课题 Why not to read papers 为什么不去读论文 Cannot read everything不能读所有的东西 Should not read everything不必读所有的东西 too much junk out there太多的垃圾 Can suppress innovation once you see solutions using a particular theme, often hard to think differently 可以压制创新   一旦你了解使用特定主题的解决方案,往往很难有不同的想法 Read or not to read, that is the question 读还是不读,这是一个问题 Read, of course读,是当然的 Know what’s important知道什么是重要的 Know what can be ignored without significant loss of information在没有重要信息的损失下知道什么可以被忽略 What to read读什么 Major conferences CS journals are a few years behind, but still can be useful 重大会议。政务期刊几年落后,但仍可能是有用的 Tech reports from active research groups need to know which groups to look up 从积极的技术研究小组的报告 需要知道哪些群体来查找 Survey / overview papers调查/概况文件 ACM Computing SurveysACM计算调查 Magazines杂志 CACM, IEEE Computer, Spectrum more technical - IEEE Personal Communications, … newsletters - ACM SIGCOMM, ACM SIGMOBILE, ... What’s in a paper 论文里有什么 Abstract摘要 Introduction介绍 Motivation动机 Pro


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