Abdominal Anatomy:腹部解剖.ppt

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Abdominal Anatomy:腹部解剖

What is this contrast containing structure posterior to the liver? IVC What are these contrast containing structures dumping into the IVC The right, middle and left hepatic veins What anatomically divides the liver into lobes (right and left) and segments. The hepatic veins. Middle hepatic vein divides the right and left lobes. The right hepatic vein splits the right lobe into anterior and posterior segments. The left hepatic vein divides the left lobe into medial and lateral segments. L M R What lobe of the liver is marked with the arrow The caudate lobe Can you identify the bright structure surrounded by the black arrows? This is the left portal vein Can you identify the bright structure marked by the black arrows? This is the right portal vein Can you identify the low attenuating structure marked by the black arrows This is the common hepatic duct What branch of the aorta is marked This is the celiac trunk What are the branches of the celiac trunk Common hepatic, splenic and left gastric This is a sagittal image from a CT angiogram. Can you identify the vessels coming off of the aorta? Solid arrow--celiac trunk. Dotted arrow--SMA This is a CT angiogram of the abdominal vessels. Can you pick out the celiac trunk? Can you see the 3 branches: common hepatic, splenic and left gastric? Celiac trunk Splenic artery Common hepatic Left gastric These are 2 sequential coronal images from a CT angiogram showing the pancreatic blood supply. This is the common hepatic artery off the celiac trunk. What branch is this extending inferiorly? Gastroduodenal artery This artery is anatomizing with which artery coming off the SMA? Inferior pancreaticoduodenal What is this fluid and air filled structure between the liver and spleen? This is the stomach What portion of colon do you seen anterior to the spleen and next to the stomach? This is the splenic flexure. What part of the pancreas is this? The body What part if the pancreas is this? This is the tail and it usually extends fu


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